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How much does Hydrocele Repair Treatment cost in Bangalore?

The cost of Hydrocele Repair Treatment depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 30,000 to Rs. 90,000 in Bangalore.

  • Minimum price in Bangalore starts from Rs.30,000
  • Average amount to be paid in Bangalore is approximately Rs.50,000
  • Maximum cost in Bangalore is up to Rs. 90,000
Get Cost Estimate from top Hospitals:

Costs of different types of Hydrocele Repair

ProcedureAverage CostStarting PricePrice Upto
AspirationRs. 40,000Rs. 35,000Rs. 45,000
AspirationRs. 40,000Rs. 35,000Rs. 45,000
Laparoscopic SurgeryRs. 50,000Rs. 37,000Rs. 62,000
Laser HydrocelectomyRs. 50,000Rs. 45,000Rs. 55,000

39 doctors available in Bangalore

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Dr. Rajasekhar

Laparoscopic Surgeon
44 years experience overall

Dr. Anil Kamath

General Surgeon
25 years experience overall

Dr. Akhil K. Bhat

General Surgeon
27 years experience overall

Dr. Prakash A.S

General Surgeon
39 years experience overall

Dr. Shabeer Ahmed

General Surgeon
38 years experience overall

Dr. Vijay C R Reddy

Laparoscopic Surgeon
29 years experience overall

Dr. Sharath Kumar J G

Laparoscopic Surgeon
23 years experience overall

Dr. Mukunda Ramachandra

Pediatric Surgeon
23 years experience overall

Dr. Ashok G N

General Surgeon
16 years experience overall

Hydrocele Repair

How Much Does Hydrocele Repairs Cost In Bangalore

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 (330 Reviews & Ratings)

Why does Hydrocele Repair Treatment cost vary for different patients?

The cost of Hydrocele Repair Treatment in Bangalore may vary from one person to another person due to the following reasons:

  • Admission fee
  • Doctor fee
  • Type of hospital
  • Age of the patient
  • Type of procedure
  • The medical condition of the patient
  • Post-surgical complications that are involved
  • The admission room that you opted for
  • Any other lab tests or examination tests such as scanning, etc.

What is the cost of different components of Hydrocele Repair Treatment in Bangalore?

Cost of Hydrocele Repair Treatment includes several components like Pre-procedure cost, surgery cost, medicine cost, and Post-procedure cost

  • Pre-procedure cost:- Rs.2,000 (Blood test, Ultrasound)
  • Surgery cost:- Rs.40,000
  • Medicine cost:- Rs.1,000
  • Follow-up session cost:- Rs.600 (For 1 each)
  • The duration cost:- Rs.3,000 (1 day)

How much is the cost of treatments related to Hydrocele Repair Treatment in Bangalore?

Following are the cost of different treatments related to Hydrocele Repair Treatment in Bangalore:

  1. The cost of Unilateral surgery in Bangalore:- Rs.40,000
  2. The cost of Bilateral surgery in Bangalore:- Rs.90,000