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29 Frenectomy Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Pramod

20 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. A. Praveen Kumar Reddy

17 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mahesh Chikkachannappa

General Surgeon
25 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mohammed Farooq Khateeb

Laparoscopic Surgeon
21 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kiran D N

28 years experience overall
600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. H V Shivaram

General Surgeon
41 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Arvind Bhateja

31 years experience overall
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Dr. Vijay Kumar Ramchand Wadhwa

General Surgeon
43 years experience overall

Dr. Banu Prakash A. S.

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FAQs on Frenectomy Surgery

Dr. Archana

24 years experience overall
750 Consultation fee at clinic


Frenectomies Doctors In Bangalore

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Frenectomy in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Frenectomy?

Surgical removal of the frenulum is known as Frenectomy. The frenulum is a fold of tissues located in several parts of the body, which restricts the movements of the organs. Common sites of Frenectomy are tongue, inner part of upper lips, prepuce of the penis, etc. Frenectomy helps in treating the restricted motion between interconnected tissues due to the presence of frenulum.  

What are the advantages of Frenectomy?

Some of the advantages of Frenectomy are:

  1. Decreases the tightness and restriction of the foreskin movement
  2. Increase the range of motion of the tongue
  3. Decrease the penis pain
  4. Improvement in the erectile function of the penis.
  5. Improve overall sexual satisfaction.
  6. Preserves the foreskin and increases the foreskin motion

What are the indications of Frenectomy?

Frenectomy is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. Tongue-tie
  2. Tight foreskin
  3. Decreases tongue motion
  4. Pain in the erected penis

Who are the best surgeons/doctors to perform Frenectomy?

A certified and trained General Surgeon, Urologist and Orthodontist, Dentist who is well experienced in Frenectomy can perform this surgery.

Who can undergo Frenectomy?

People who can undergo Frenectomy are:

  1. Individuals suffering from restricted tongue motion due to the frenulum
  2. People with difficulty speaking as a result of the frenulum
  3. Individuals suffering from penis pain when it is erected
  4. People having restricted movement of the foreskin

Who cannot undergo Frenectomy?

People who cannot undergo Frenectomy are:

  1. People having an active penis infection or disease
  2. Individuals with active mouth or tongue infections or diseases
  3. People who prefer to undergo circumcision

What is the cost of Frenectomy?

The minimum cost for Frenectomy in Bangalore starts from Rs. 15,000

The average expenses for Frenectomy in Bangalore is approximately Rs. 48,000

The maximum amount to be paid for Frenectomy in Bangalore rises up to Rs. 80,000

Cost of Frenectomy depends on factors such as:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Age of the patient
  4. The medical condition of the patient
  5. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  6. Type of Hospital
  7. The admission room that you opted for
  8. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc

[NOTE: The estimated cost may vary depending on the hospital and severity of the frenulum]

Is Frenectomy a major surgery or minor surgery?

Frenectomy is a minor surgery as it involves resection of the frenulum and recovery time is also less.

What are the risks and complications associated with Frenectomy?

Risks and Complications associated with Frenectomy are:

  1. Swelling of penis
  2. Bleeding from the incision site
  3. Decreased sensation of the penis glans
  4. Infection
  5. Improper healing of the wound

How long does it take to complete Frenectomy?

Frenectomy may take 30-60 minutes to finish and sometimes depending on the patient’s condition, it may take more time.

What is the recovery time for Frenectomy?

Individuals who undergo Frenectomy may take 7-10 days to recover completely.

What is the success rate of Frenectomy?

The success rate of Frenectomy is affected by the following factors:

  1. Patient’s age
  2. The medical condition of the patient
  3. Type of surgery performed
  4. Type of surgery or procedure performed

However, the success rate of Frenectomy maybe 80% to 90%.

Is Frenectomy permanent?

Frenectomy is a permanent procedure as it resizes the length of the frenulum.

What are the long-term results of Frenectomy?

  1. Increases the movement of the tongue
  2. Improves the speaking ability
  3. Improves the motion of the foreskin
  4. Reduces the pain during intercourse

Can Frenectomy be detected in the future?

Frenectomy may be detected in the future by comparing the before and after surgery photos.

What are the options if Frenectomy fails?

If Frenectomy of the penis fails, then the doctor may recommend complete circumcision. If Tongue Frenectomy fails, then revision surgery may be recommended.

What are the alternatives for Frenectomy?

  1. Circumcision may be an option for Penis Frenectomy.
  2. Tongue Frenectomy may be an only option for the individuals who are suffering from restricted tongue motion due to the frenulum.
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