MD - Ayurveda Medicine, BAMS
Medical Registration Verified
Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar is practicing medicine since last 25 yrs and got all his qualifications with merit.
Q: Why do patients visit Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar?
A: Patients frequently visit Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar for Kidney Stone Treatment, Skin Allergies. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Practo.
Q: What is Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar's education qualification?
A: Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar has the following qualifications - MD - Ayurveda Medicine, BAMS.
Q: What does Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar specialises in ?
A: Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar specialises as Ayurvedic General Medicine.
Q: How many years of experience does Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar have?
A: Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar has an overall experience of 28 years. View where has Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar practiced in the past.
Q: Who is Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar?
A: Dr. Mahesh Manoharrao Chinnawar is practicing medicine since last 25 yrs and got all his qualifications with merit.. View more details about the doctor on Practo.