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17 Mole Removal Doctors in Mumbai

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Ambrosia Aesthetics

Ambrosia Aesthetics

1 Cosmetologist
20 - 25 years experience
Andheri West
₹3000Consultation Fees
95%805 Patient Stories
Practo One Badge

Dr. Sonia Tekchandani

39 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sanjay Vaidya

Plastic Surgeon
42 years experience overall

Dr. Sejal Saheta

21 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shankar Sawant

23 years experience overall

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Ambrosia Aesthetics

Ambrosia Aesthetics

1 Cosmetologist
20 - 25 years experience
Andheri West
₹3000Consultation Fees
95%805 Patient Stories

Dr. Raina Nahar

17 years experience overall

Dr. Ashok Hatolkar

General Surgeon
53 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Vandana Punjabi

28 years experience overall

Dr. Deepak Vyas

General Surgeon
45 years experience overall
2000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pradeep Shriyan

General Surgeon
25 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Mole Removal

Mole Removals Doctors In Mumbai

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Mole Removal in Mumbai

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Mole?

A common type of skin growth is known as moles. They appear as small, brown spots that are formed by the clustered pigmented cells. Usually, moles appear during adolescence and childhood. Normally people have 10 to 40 moles out of which few fade away by time. Moles being harmless are rarely cancerous. The important step for detecting skin cancer such as malignant melanoma is close monitoring moles and other pigmented patches if any. Moles are medically known as nevi. 

Why do moles need to be removed?

  1. Moles don’t need to be removed unless it becomes bothering. If an individual is bothered by the appearance of the mole or irritation of it rubbing against the clothes, then Mole Removal is an option. 
  2. The moles that have changed in size, color and shape are absolutely considered to be removed as it can be an indication of skin cancer. 
  3. An individual might be tempted to remove the mole at home as it may seem convenient and cost-effective, but before snipping the mole by scissors or rubbing the mole cream on it, one should read and consider the risks involved as well

What are the home remedies for Mole Removal?

Typically, there are many options for removing the mole at home, but these methods are not proven to be effective and can even be dangerous. Some of these unproven methods are:

  1. Applying apple cider vinegar
  2. Taping garlic on the mole
  3. Applying iodine to kill the cells inside the mole 
  4. Cutting or snipping the mole with the help of a razor blade or scissors
  5. Applying the mixture of baking soda and castor oil
  6. Banana peel
  7. Frankincense, tea tree, flaxseed oil
  8. Hydrogen peroxide
  9. Aloe vera

Few pharmacies and online stores also sell mole removal creams and to use them, first the tip of the mole is to be scrapped off and then the cream is to be rubbed into the mole. These creams claim that after application, a scab is formed after a day and when the scab falls off the mole will be gone. Few of the safer alternatives are by concealing the mole by the makeup and if the mole has hair growing on it then the hair can be plucked or clipped.  

Can home remedies for Mole Removal be harmful?

  1. As there is no specific evidence proving the effectiveness of home remedies, mole removal at home can be dangerous at times. 
  2. Few studies also reported that the mole creams available at the pharmacies and online can form permanent scars after the mole is removed. 
  3. Cutting the mole with the sharp objects carries risk as well. Cutting off the growing mole repeatedly can also increase the chances of infection especially if the sharp object used isn’t sanitized properly. 
  4. If the mole is cancerous and that mole is removed without consulting a Dermatologist, then it can spread to the whole body and results in life-threatening conditions. 

When to see a doctor for Mole Removal?

  1. If the mole bothers an individual, then one should consult Dermatologist for mole removal.
  2. If the mole changes its shape, size and color, then consulting a Dermatologist is a must as it may be cancerous. The doctor can do the biopsy by removing the small piece of the mole to examine under the microscope for cancerous cells.

The dermatologists use a safe method for removal, and they are:

  1. Surgical Excision - the Dermatologist numbs the surrounding area of the mole and then the whole mole is cut out and the wound is stitched close.
  2. Surgical Shave - the Dermatologist numbs the surrounding area of the mole and then uses a blade to shave off the mole hence stitches or sutures won’t be necessary after surgical shave. 

These two methods are also used by the Dermatologist to check for the cancerous cells of the mole. 

What are the ways to prevent or reduce scars after Mole Removal?

Following are the ways through which a mole can be prevented, or its scaring can be reduced:

  1. Avoid the sun
  2. Avoid stretching the skin of the scar
  3. The incision site should be kept moist and clean
  4. Massaging the scar
  5. Pressure therapy
  6. Use polyurethane dressing
  7. Use laser and light therapy
  8. Corticosteroid injections
  9. Cryosurgery
  10. Persistent and proactive care
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