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How much does Angioplasty cost in Mumbai?

The cost of Angioplasty depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 67,000 to Rs. 1,35,000 in Mumbai.

  • Minimum charge for Angioplasty in Mumbai starts from Rs.67,000
  • The average price for Angioplasty in Mumbai is approximately Rs.1,10,000
  • The maximum cost for Angioplasty in Mumbai is up to Rs.1,35,000
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26 doctors available in Mumbai

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Dr. Ramakanta Panda

Cardiothoracic Surgeon
46 years experience overall

Dr. Haresh Mehta

34 years experience overall
3500 Consultation fee at clinic

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Dr. Akshay Mehta

49 years experience overall

Dr. Snehal Kothari

23 years experience overall

Dr. Pavan Kumar

Cardiac Surgeon
36 years experience overall

Dr. Bhupen N Desai


Special Interest in Diabetology

31 years experience overall
450 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Hasmukh Ravat

42 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. V. Satyaprasad

Cardiothoracic Surgeon
39 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic
Know more about Angioplasty

Dr. Satish Javali

Cardiac Surgeon
22 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic


How Much Does Angioplasties Cost In Mumbai

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 (224 Reviews & Ratings)

Why does Angioplasty cost vary for different patients?

The amount to be paid for Angioplasty in Mumbai changes from one individual to another due to the below factors:

  • Type of admitted hospital
  • The admission room that you opted for
  • Age of the patient
  • Health condition of the patient
  • Doctor fee
  • Post-procedure complications that are involved
  • Type of the procedure planned to be performed
  • Admission fee
  • Area of the body to be treated

What is the cost of different components of Angioplasty in Mumbai?

The price of Angioplasty involves multiple factors like Pre-surgery cost, Surgery cost, Stent or balloon cost, Medicine costs, Post-procedure cost, and daycare [stay in the hospital], etc.

Cost for a specific part of Angioplasty in Mumbai is the following:

  • Pre-Procedure cost:- Rs.18,000-Rs.20,000 [Angioplasty]
  • Surgery cost:- Rs.99,000
  • Post Procedure cost:- Rs.2,000 per consultation [Depends on the number of consultations]
  • Balloon cost:- Rs.25,000 each
  • Stent cost:- Rs.30,000
  • Should stay in the cardiac ICU for 2 days:- Rs.10,000

How much is the cost of treatments related to Angioplasty in Mumbai?

Following are the cost of different treatments related to Angioplasty in Mumbai:

  1. Approximate price of PTA of the Femoral artery in Mumbai:- Rs.1,07,800-Rs.1,21,000
  2. Approximate cost of Cerebral Angioplasty in Mumbai:- Rs.30,800-Rs.44,000
  3. Approximate cost of Laser Angioplasty [Excimer Laser Coronary Angioplasty-ELCA] in Mumbai:- Rs.1,32,000-Rs.3,02,500
  4. Approximate price of Coronary artery stent in Mumbai:- Rs.2,12,100-Rs.2,75,000
  5. Approximate cost of Balloon Angioplasty in Mumbai may range from Rs.1,65,000-Rs.2,20,000
  6. Approximate cost of Peripheral Angioplasty in Mumbai may range between Rs.44,000-Rs.77,000
  7. Approximate price of Stent Implantation in Mumbai- Rs.1,10,000-Rs.3,85,000
  8. Approximate cost of Renal artery Angioplasty in Mumbai:- Rs.4,95,00
  9. Approximate cost of Valvuloplasty in Mumbai:- Rs.2,75,000-Rs.3,85,000