All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.
Drinking alcohol with this medicine substantially increases the risks of stomach bleeding.
This medicine should not be consumed with alcohol. Symptoms of stomach bleeding (such as the presence of dried and coffee colored blood in cough or stools) should be reported to the doctor immediately.
Interaction with Medicine
Disease interactions
This medicine is not recommended for use in patients with a known history of NSAID-induced asthma due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition. Replacement with a suitable alternative should be done under your doctor's supervision.
Fluid Retention and edema
This medicine may cause fluid retention and edema in some patients. Close monitoring of blood pressure, electrolyte levels, and heart function may be required based on the clinical condition. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary in some cases based on the clinical condition.
This medicine may cause fatal skin allergies without any warnings in some patients. Signs and symptoms such as rashes, hives, fever, or other allergic symptoms should be reported to the doctor without any delay. Appropriate corrective measures, dose adjustments, or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required based on the clinical condition.
This medicine should be used with caution in patients with a known history of anemia due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required based on the clinical condition of the patient.
This medicine may cause a heart attack, stroke, or other associated symptoms after prolonged use. This risk is especially higher in patients with a history of heart diseases. Close monitoring of heart function is recommended for such patients. Report any symptoms such as chest pain, shallow breathing, speech slurring, weakness, etc. to the doctor immediately. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required based on the clinical condition.
Gastro-Intestinal toxicity
This medicine may cause damage to the stomach, intestines, liver, etc., especially on prolonged use. Report any symptoms such as chronic indigestion, blood in stool or vomit, etc. to the doctor immediately. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required based on the clinical condition.
Food interactions
Information not available.
Lab interactions
Information not available.
This is not an exhaustive list of possible drug interactions. You should consult your doctor about all the possible interactions of the drugs you’re taking.