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Harmoni-F Tablet

Manufactured byALEMBIC LTD
ContainsEthinyl Estradiol (0.035 mg) + Cyproterone Acetate (2 mg) + Folic Acid (5 mg)
Harmoni-F Tablet is a medicine containing Ethinyl Estradiol, Cyproterone and Folic acid. It is used to treat conditions like acne, alopecia (loss of hair), hirsutism (excessive facial hair growth in women), etc. Ethinyl estradiol has a very similar action to estrogen, a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries. Thus it helps in treating irregular periods. Harmoni-F Tablet is sometimes used for terminating a pregnancy. Do not use this medicine with other hormonal pills without consulting your doctor. Harmoni-F Tablet may cause side effects like nausea, stomach pain, weight gain, headache, mood changes, etc. Consult your doctor if any of these side effects persist for a long time. Avoid taking Harmoni-F Tablet if you are allergic to it. Harmoni-F Tablet is a prescription medicine and should be taken only on doctors recommendation. It can be taken with or without food. Take this medicine at the same time every day. Do not take more or fewer doses than prescribed. Also, do not stop taking Harmoni-F Tablet without consulting your doctor. Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use in children below 18 years of age. Inform your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems or other medical conditions and about all your ongoing medications if any, before taking this medicine. Do not take this medicine if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy, due to its contraception properties. Consult your doctor before taking this medicine if you are breastfeeding.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Harmoni-F Tablet

  • Tiredness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Depressed mood
  • Weight gain
  • Sweating and flushing
  • Breast pain
  • Swelling of ankles or feet
  • Dry skin
  • Fever
  • Itching or rash
  • Stomach discomfort and pain
  • Dizziness
  • Back pain
  • Inverted nipples

Uses of Harmoni-F Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

  • Androgenization
  • Folic acid deficiency
  • Amenorrhoea
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Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?
    The time required for Harmoni-F Tablet to start showing its effect is not known.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?
    The time for which Harmoni-F Tablet remains active in the body is not known.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?
    Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with Harmoni-F Tablet as it may affect the results of this medicine.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?
    No habit-forming tendency has been reported for Harmoni-F Tablet.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?
    Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use in pregnancy as Ethinyl Estradiol present in this medicine is used as a birth control pill. Your doctor may prescribe a safer alternative with a similar therapeutic response based on your clinical condition.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?
    Small amounts of Harmoni-F Tablet are known to pass into breastmilk. Hence, avoid using this medicine during breastfeeding especially during the first 6 weeks after childbirth. Your physician may prescribe a safer alternative with a similar therapeutic response based on your clinical condition.


Avoid taking Harmoni-F Tablet if you are allergic to it. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms of serious allergic reactions such as skin rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, breathing difficulty, etc.

Liver disease

Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use if you have liver problems as it may worsen your health condition.

Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding

Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use if you have abnormal vaginal bleeding that has not been diagnosed as it may worsen your health condition leading to severe side effects.

Heart and blood vessel disorder

Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use if you have an active stroke or history of stroke, heart attack or clotting disorder as it may worsen your health condition leading to severe side effects.
Warnings for special population


Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use in pregnancy as Ethinyl Estradiol present in this medicine is used as a birth control pill. Your doctor may prescribe a safer alternative with a similar therapeutic response based on your clinical condition.


Small amounts of Harmoni-F Tablet are known to pass into breastmilk. Hence, avoid using this medicine during breastfeeding especially during the first 6 weeks after childbirth. Your physician may prescribe a safer alternative with a similar therapeutic response based on your clinical condition.
General warnings


Harmoni-F Tablet may cause dizziness or drowsiness. Hence, do not perform activities such as driving vehicles or operating machines after taking this medicine.

Breast cancer

Harmoni-F Tablet is known to increase the risk of breast cancer, especially in people with a family history of breast cancer. Hence caution should be maintained while using this medicine.

Clotting disorders

Avoid taking Harmoni-F Tablet if you have clotting disorders as may worsen your condition.

Use in children

Harmoni-F Tablet is not recommended for use in children below 18 years of age as the safety and efficacy data are not available.

Missed Dose

Take the missed dose of Harmoni-F Tablet as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next scheduled dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for the missed one.


Never take more than the prescribed dose. Seek emergency medical attention in case of Harmoni-F Tablet overdose.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.
Interaction with Alcohol




Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with Harmoni-F Tablet as it may affect the results of this medicine.
Interaction with Medicine


Antidiabetic medicines




Disease interactions

Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Harmoni-F Tablet should be used with caution if there is abnormal vaginal bleeding, especially if the intended use is for a long duration. Your doctor may suggest a diagnostic test to ascertain the reason for the abnormal bleeding.


Harmoni-F Tablet should be used with caution if you have hypertension (high blood pressure) as the risk of severe side effects on the heart and blood vessels are extremely high. Your doctor may adjust the dose of this medicine or prescribe a suitable alternative based on your condition.

Liver disease

Take Harmoni-F Tablet with extreme caution if you have liver problems as this medicine is broken down and absorbed in the liver. An impaired liver can not process this medicine and leads to its accumulation. This may lead to serious side effects. Your doctor may adjust the dose of this medicine or prescribe a suitable alternative based on your condition.
Food interactions
Information not available.
Lab interactions
Information not available.
Harmoni-F Tablet is a hormonal medicine that can be taken with/without food or as instructed by your doctor. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor while taking Harmoni-F Tablet. Do not take more or fewer doses than prescribed. Inform your doctor if you have any medical conditions like liver/heart problems or breast cancer and also about your medication history before starting treatment with Harmoni-F Tablet. Avoid consuming alcohol during the treatment with this medicine. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy before taking this medicine. Never share your medication with others even with similar symptoms or signs. Keep the medicine away from the reach of children and pets. Ensure that unused medicine is discarded properly.

Can be taken with or without food, as advised by your doctor

To be taken as instructed by doctor

May cause sleepiness

How it works
Harmoni-F Tablet is a combination of Ethinyl Estradiol, Cyproterone and Folic Acid. Cyproterone helps in stopping the overproduction of androgen (male sex hormone) in the ovaries, thereby reducing unwanted hair growth and acne. Ethinyl Estradiol replaces or replenishes the hormone estrogen, helps treat irregular menses and also helps actions of Cyproterone. Folic acid works as a dietary supplement that helps in the occurrence of regular menses in patients suffering from PCOS.
Legal Status







Antiandrogens, Estrogens, Vitamins


Schedule H

Go.drugbank.com. 2021. Ethinylestradiol | DrugBank Online. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 14 April 2021].


Pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. 2021. Cyproterone acetate. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 14 April 2021].


Pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. 2021. Ethinyl estradiol. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 14 April 2021].


Pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. 2021. Folic acid. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 14 April 2021].

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Information on this page was last updated on 6 Dec 2021


We’ve made all possible efforts to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, up-to-date and complete, however, it should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only provides reference source for common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. The absence of a warning for any drug or combination thereof, should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for any given patient. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. See detailed T&C here.