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Axanthine 300 MG Tablet

Manufactured byBioplasma Immunological Research Pvt. Ltd.
Axanthine 300 MG Tablet is an antigout medicine containing Allopurinol. It is used for the treatment of gout (a type of arthritis caused due to the deposition of excess uric acid crystals in the joints). This medicine is also used to treat high uric acid levels in certain types of kidney stones or during cancer treatment. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet works by lowering the uric acid levels in the blood. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet may cause side effects like diarrhoea, skin rash, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, etc. These symptoms usually subside on their own. However, consult your doctor if they persist or worsen. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet is a prescription medicine. It should be taken after food to avoid stomach discomfort. The dose and duration of treatment will be determined by your doctor based on your condition. Avoid taking more than the prescribed dose of Axanthine 300 MG Tablet. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet should be avoided if you are allergic to it. Inform your doctor if you have liver or kidney problems or other health conditions to make sure this medicine is safe for you. It may also affect or get affected by other medications you take, so inform your doctor about all your current medications. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant, or are breastfeeding before taking this medicine.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Axanthine 300 MG Tablet

  • Diarrhoea
  • Skin rash
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Yellow colored eyes or skin
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Change in taste
  • Blurred vision
  • Drowsiness

Uses of Axanthine 300 MG Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

  • Gout
  • Hyperuricemia Secondary to Chemotherapy
  • Calcium Oxalate Calculi with Hyperuricosuria
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Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?
    The effect of Axanthine 300 MG Tablet can be observed in 2 to 3 days.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?
    The amount of time for which Axanthine 300 MG Tablet remains active in your body is not clinically established.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?
    Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?
    Axanthine 300 MG Tablet has no habit-forming tendency.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?
    Axanthine 300 MG Tablet is not recommended for use during pregnancy unless clearly needed. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?
    Axanthine 300 MG Tablet passes into the breastmilk. Hence if you are breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.


Avoid taking Axanthine 300 MG Tablet if you are allergic to it. Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any symptoms such as skin rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness and breathing difficulty, etc.
Warnings for special population


Axanthine 300 MG Tablet is not recommended for use during pregnancy unless clearly needed. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant.


Axanthine 300 MG Tablet passes into the breastmilk. Hence if you are breastfeeding, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
General warnings

Allergic conditions

Axanthine 300 MG Tablet should be used with caution as it may cause serious allergic reactions leading to widespread blistering and peeling of the skin. Consult your doctor immediately if you experience signs and symptoms like reddish target-like spots or circular patches with central blisters, sore mouth and throat, flu-like symptoms (fever, headache, body ache), etc.


Drink an adequate amount of water (2 liters/day) to increase the urine output and to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Driving or operating machines

Axanthine 300 MG Tablet may cause sleepiness, dizziness, or loss of coordination in some cases. Hence, avoid driving vehicles and operating machines if you experience such symptoms.

Asymptomatic hyperuricaemia

Asymptomatic hyperuricaemia refers to an increase in uric acid levels in the blood without any signs or symptoms of disorders such as gout or kidney problems. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet is not recommended for use if you have asymptomatic hyperuricaemia.

Missed Dose

Avoid missing a scheduled dose of Axanthine 300 MG Tablet. Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for the missed one.


Never take more than the prescribed dose of Axanthine 300 MG Tablet. Seek immediate medical attention in case of an overdose.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.
Interaction with Alcohol


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
Interaction with Medicine


Aluminium Hydroxide


Disease interactions

Bone marrow suppression

Bone marrow suppression refers to a decrease in the ability of the bone marrow (a spongy substance found in the center of the bone) to produce blood cells. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet may cause bone marrow suppression, especially if used along with other medicines that may cause a similar effect. Hence, it should be used with extreme caution if you have this condition.

Kidney disease

Axanthine 300 MG Tablet should be used with caution if you have kidney problems as it may cause further kidney damage. Your doctor may suggest tests to monitor your kidney function and recommend appropriate dose adjustments based on your clinical condition.

Liver disease

Axanthine 300 MG Tablet should be used with caution if you have liver problems as it may increase the risk of liver toxicity. Your doctor may suggest tests to monitor your kidney function and recommend appropriate dose adjustments based on your clinical condition.
Food interactions
Information not available.
Lab interactions
Information not available.
Take Axanthine 300 MG Tablet after food to avoid stomach irritation. Never take more than the prescribed dose. Do not break, crush or chew the tablet in your mouth. Avoid discontinuing this medicine without consulting your doctor, as it may worsen your condition. Axanthine 300 MG Tablet may cause dizziness and sleepiness in some cases. Avoid driving vehicles or operating machines until you know how this medicine affects you. Drink an adequate amount of water to prevent the formation of kidney stones.

To be taken after food

To be taken as instructed by doctor

May cause sleepiness

How it works
Axanthine 300 MG Tablet works by reducing the production of uric acid in the body.
Legal Status







Antigout agents, Antihyperuricemic agents


Schedule H

Medicines.org.uk. 2022. Allopurinol Tablets BP 100mg - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc). [online] Available at: < [Accessed 28 January 2022].


Drugs, H., 2022. Allopurinol: MedlinePlus Drug Information. [online] Medlineplus.gov. Available at: < [Accessed 28 January 2022].


Dailymed.nlm.nih.gov. 2022. DailyMed - ALLOPURINOL tabletALLOPURINOL tablet. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 28 January 2022].

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Information on this page was last updated on 7 Feb 2022


We’ve made all possible efforts to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, up-to-date and complete, however, it should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only provides reference source for common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. The absence of a warning for any drug or combination thereof, should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for any given patient. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. See detailed T&C here.