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Trigabantin 100 Tablet

ContainsGabapentin (100 mg) + Alpha lipoic acid (100 mg) + Methylcobalamin (500 mcg)
10 TABLET ( 10 / STRIP )


Trigabantin 100 Tablet is a combination medicine used to treat neurological disorders like peripheral neuropathy, post-herpetic neuralgia, reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, and alcohol-induced neuropathy in adult patients. Abruptly stopping the usage of this medicine may cause withdrawal symptoms like convulsions; hence, you are advised to consult your doctor before stopping treatment with this medicine.


List of substitutes for Trigabantin 100 Tablet

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Trigabantin 100 Tablet




Skin rash

Chest pain and discomfort

Uncontrolled eye movements

Unusual tiredness and weakness


Blurred vision

Lower back pain


Dry mouth

Weight gain

Stomach pain


Uses of Trigabantin 100 Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

Peripheral Neuropathy

This medicine is used to relieve the symptoms of nerve damage in the feet and hand.

Postherpetic Neuralgia

This medicine is used in the treatment complication of shingles, which is caused by the chickenpox virus characterized by pain or burning sensation of the skin.

Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome

This medicine is used to relieve the symptoms of reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (which is also known as complex regional pain syndrome) such as severe burning pain, especially in arms, legs, hands, or feet.

Alcohol Induced Neuropathy

This medicine is used for the treatment of alcohol-induced neuropathy, which is a nerve damage characterized by burning pain, increased sensitivity to pain, etc caused by excessive alcohol use.

Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?

    The amount of time required for this medicine to show its action is not clinically established.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    The amount of time for which this medicine remains active in the body is not clinically established.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?

    Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with this medicine since it increases the risk of side effects like dizziness, difficulty in concentration, etc. as well as it may decrease the effectiveness of this medicine.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?

    No habit-forming tendencies were reported.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine. If the medicine is used, close monitoring of the infant for any undesired side effects is necessary.

Leber's Disease

This medicine is not recommended for use in patients suffering from Leber's Disease, a rare genetic disorder, due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition.


This medicine is not recommended for use in patients with a known allergy to gabapentin, alpha lipoic acid, methylcobalamin, any other inactive ingredients present in the formulation.

Warnings for special population


This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.


This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine. If the medicine is used, close monitoring of the infant for any undesired side effects is necessary.

General warnings


Few elderly patients may have a reduced capacity to absorb this medicine through the intestine. Appropriate dose adjustments and frequent clinical monitoring are necessary for such patients. An alternative treatment option may be necessary in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Other medicines

This medicine may interact with many other medicines and may cause severe adverse effects. Hence, it is advised that you inform the doctor about all your current medicines including any herbs and supplements before beginning treatment with this medicine.

Gastrointestinal surgery

This medicine should be used with caution in patients who have had a recent gastrointestinal surgery due to the chances of decreased absorption of this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Use of antacids

Coadministration of antacids and this medicine may reduce the absorption of this medicine. Your doctor may suggest an appropriate time-gap between the administration of these medicines to minimize/avoid their interaction. Replacement with a suitable alternative may be required based on the clinical condition of the patient.

Suicidal thoughts

This medicine may increase the risk of suicidal thoughts in the first week of the treatment. Therefore, it should be used with caution, especially in patients suffering from depression or suicidal tendencies. Close monitoring of mood and behavior is necessary for such patients. Appropriate caregiver and patient counseling, dose adjustments, or replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary in some cases based on the clinical condition of the patient.

Skin reactions

This medicine should be used with caution since it may cause skin reactions like Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS). The treatment should be discontinued if any symptoms of a skin rash appear.


This medicine is known to cause sedation and dizziness. Therefore, patients receiving this medicine should b counseled about these effects and advised to avoid operating heavy machinery or driving vehicle. Inform the doctor if the symptoms persist.

Use in Children

This medicine is not recommended for use in patients below 18 years of age since the safety and efficacy of use are not clinically established.

Withdrawal symptoms

Abrupt discontinuation of this medicine may increase the risk of severe adverse effects, especially if you have been using a high dose for a long duration. A gradual dose reduction is recommended to avoid these reactions. Do not stop the use of this medicine without consulting your doctor.

Driving or Operating machinery

Use of this medicine may cause blurred vision or dizziness in some patients. It is advised that you do not perform any activities such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery if you experience any of these symptoms during treatment with this medicine.

Missed Dose

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for the missed dose.


Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.

Interaction with Alcohol




Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with this medicine since it increases the risk of side effects like dizziness, difficulty in concentration, etc. as well as it may decrease the effectiveness of this medicine.

Interaction with Medicine





Antidiabetic drugs


Disease interactions

Kidney Disease

This medicine should be used with caution in patients with kidney diseases due to the increased risk of severe adverse effects. Monitoring of kidney function tests is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Food interactions

Information not available.

Lab interactions

Information not available.
Take this medicine with or without food. Do not take in larger or smaller amounts than advised/prescribed. Consult the doctor if you experience any undesired side effects. Ensure that the course of treatment is completed. Do not stop the use of this medicine without consulting your doctor.


Can be taken with or without food, as advised by your doctor

To be taken as instructed by doctor

May cause sleepiness

How it works

Gabapentin works by reducing the hyperexcitability of the brain cells to treat convulsions. It relieves the pain in neuralgia by altering the way the body senses the pain. Alpha-lipoic Acid works by slowing down cellular damage. It also helps to restore essential vitamin levels such as vitamin E and vitamin C. Methylcobalamin works by facilitating the enzymes responsible for the production of vital components and energy inside a cell. It also plays a major role in the formation of blood components. Thus, the combination is better effective for the treatment of neurological disorders like peripheral neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, etc in adults.

Legal Status







Gamma-aminobutyric acid analogs, Nutraceutical products, Vitamins


Schedule H

Product Details | Exeltis India [Internet]. 2018 [cited 12 October 2018]. Available from:

DailyMed - Gabapentin capsule [Internet]. 2017 [cited 9 May 2017]. Available from:

Gabapentin - DrugBank [Internet]. 2017 [cited 9 May 2017]. Available from:

Methylcobalamin hydrate | C63H93CoN13O15P - PubChem [Internet]. 2017 [cited 9 March 2017]. Available from:

Lipoic Acid - DrugBank [Internet]. 2017 [cited 18 October 2017]. Available from:

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Information on this page was last updated on 3 Apr 2019


We’ve made all possible efforts to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, up-to-date and complete, however, it should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only provides reference source for common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. The absence of a warning for any drug or combination thereof, should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for any given patient. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. See detailed T&C here.

10 TABLET ( 10 / STRIP )