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Lomoh 60 MG Injection

Manufactured byEmcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.


Lomoh 60 MG Injection is an anticoagulant medicine that is used to prevent blood clots in the legs. It is used in combination with warfarin to treat blood clots. This medicine works by inactivating the clotting factors that are responsible for blood clotting. It is not recommended for use in children under 18 years of age. Lomoh 60 MG Injection shows some common side effects like fever, stomach discomfort, nausea, rash and irritation at the injection site. If these side effects worsen or persist for a long time inform your doctor at the earliest. It may also cause an increase in your blood platelet count and an increase in your liver enzymes. Let your doctor know if you are allergic to this medicine. Stop using it and consult with your doctor immediately if you experience, swollen ankles/feet, black stools, blood in your urine or unusual bleeding and bruising. Lomoh 60 MG Injection is administered in a clinical setting by specialized healthcare professionals. Your doctor will decide the dose and duration of this medicine based on the severity of your medical condition. Enoxaparin gel can be applied over the skin surface as directed by your doctor. Enoxaparin tablets should be taken with food. Do not discontinue this treatment without your doctor's recommendation. Lomoh 60 MG Injection may not be suitable for all people. It should be used with caution if you have liver problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, or have had a recent stroke as it may worsen your condition. Let your doctor know if you have any problems related to your kidney as it may cause serious complications. Lomoh 60 MG Injection interact with some medicines, so it is recommended that you inform your doctor of all the medicines you are taking. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding before receiving this medicine. Consult your doctor on priority if you notice bleeding from your gums or if your wounds bleed for longer than usual.


List of substitutes for Lomoh 60 MG Injection

Antixa 60 MG Injection
Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Exhep 60 MG Injection
Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Flothin 60 MG Injection
Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd.
Macparin 60 MG Injection
Macleods Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Qualinox 60 MG Injection
Lupin Ltd.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Lomoh 60 MG Injection

Bleeding gums

Increased menstrual flow

Collection of blood under the skin


Bleeding at the injection site



Back pain


Fast heartbeat


Uses of Lomoh 60 MG Injection

What is it prescribed for?

Prophylaxis for Deep vein thrombosis

Lomoh 60 MG Injection is used to prevent blood clots and promote better blood flow. This greatly decreases the chances of triggering vascular events like a pulmonary embolism (a blockage in one of the pulmonary arteries in your lungs).

Deep vein thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is the occurrence of a blood clot (thrombus) in one or more of the deep veins in your body (usually in your legs). It is a serious condition as a blood clot may loosen and get lodged in the lungs which may result in a pulmonary embolism or stroke. Lomoh 60 MG Injection is used in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis.

Prophylaxis for angina and myocardial infarction

Lomoh 60 MG Injection is used as a preventive medicine to prevent blood clots and promote better blood flow in the conditions like angina (a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart) and myocardial infarction (a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle). This greatly decreases the chances of triggering a cardiac event like a heart attack.

Deep vein thrombosis prophylaxis after surgery

Lomoh 60 MG Injection is used as a prophylaxis to prevent blood clots after surgeries like hip, knee replacement surgery, and abdominal surgery.

Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?

    The effect of Lomoh 60 MG Injection can be observed immediately after intravenous administration. On subcutaneous administration, the effect can be observed within 20-60 minutes.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    The effect of Lomoh 60 MG Injection lasts for an average duration of 12 hours.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?

    Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?

    No habit forming tendencies have been reported for Lomoh 60 MG Injection.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?

    Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not recommended for use in pregnancy. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and risks before prescribing this medicine to you.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?

    Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not recommended for use in breastfeeding. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and risks before prescribing this medicine to you.


Avoid taking Lomoh 60 MG Injection if you are allergic to Enoxaparin and Heparin. Inform your doctor if you notice any unusual bleeding or bruising, black stools etc.

Bleeding disorder

Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not recommended if you have a history of acute or major bleeding or any bleeding disorders as it may worsen your condition.

Warnings for special population


Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not recommended for use in pregnancy. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and risks before prescribing this medicine to you.


Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not recommended for use in breastfeeding. Your doctor will weigh the benefits and risks before prescribing this medicine to you.

General warnings


Lomoh 60 MG Injection is known to cause severe bleeding. It is not recommended if you have had gastrointestinal bleeding, head injury. It may also be unsafe if you are about to undergo surgery. Any symptoms of blood in the stools, vomiting blood, or blood in the urine should be reported to your doctor immediately. Your doctor may suggest blood tests for monitoring your prothrombin time (time required for clot formation) while receiving this medicine.

Liver disease

Lomoh 60 MG Injection is known to increase the levels of liver enzymes causing serious complications. Therefore, it should be used with caution if you have liver problems.

Kidney diseases

Lomoh 60 MG Injection may increase the risk of bleeding if you have kidney problems. Your doctor may adjust the dose of this medicine or prescribe a suitable alternative based on your condition.

Percutaneous coronary revascularisation procedures

Lomoh 60 MG Injection should be used with caution to minimize the risk of bleeding if you have had undergone surgical procedures like percutaneous coronary revascularisation to treat unstable angina (a type of chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart), myocardial infarction (a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle).

Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia

Lomoh 60 MG Injection should be used with caution if you have a history of heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia. Your doctor may stop the treatment if your platelet levels are below one lakh cells/cubic mm.

Missed Dose

Injection: Lomoh 60 MG Injection is usually given by a qualified healthcare professional in the hospital setting, the likelihood of missing a dose is very low. Tablet: If you forget to take a dose of Lomoh 60 MG Injection, take it as soon as you remember. if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for a missed one. Gel: Apply the missed dose of Lomoh 60 MG Injection as soon as you remember. If it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not apply a double dose to make up for the missed dose.


Injection: Lomoh 60 MG Injection is given in the hospital setting by a qualified healthcare professional, the likelihood of an overdose is very less. However, your doctor will take measures if an overdose is suspected. Gel: An overdose of Lomoh 60 MG Injection is not likely to cause severe symptoms unless it is applied for a prolonged period of time in large volumes. However, ingestion of this medicine may cause harm and immediate medical intervention may be required. Tablet: Seek immediate medical attention if an overdose of Lomoh 60 MG Injection is suspected.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.

Interaction with Alcohol


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.


Interaction with alcohol is unknown. It is advisable to consult your doctor before consumption.

Interaction with Medicine


Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors

Disease interactions

Bleeding disorders

Lomoh 60 MG Injection may increase the risk of bleeding if you have a genetic bleeding disorder called haemophilia or any unusual bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract. Your doctor may adjust the dose of this medicine or prescribe a suitable alternative based on your condition.

Liver disease

Lomoh 60 MG Injection may increase the risk of bleeding if you have liver problems. Your doctor may adjust the dose of this medicine or prescribe a suitable alternative based on your condition.

Food interactions

Information not available.

Lab interactions

Information not available.
Injection: Lomoh 60 MG Injection is given in the hospital setting under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional. Do not try to self administer. Tablet: Lomoh 60 MG Injection should be taken with food to avoid stomach irritation. Gel: Apply a thin layer of Lomoh 60 MG Injection to the affected areas as instructed by the doctor. Always clean and dry the affected areas before application. Wash your hands before and after the application, unless hands are affected. Avoid contact with the eyes, mouth or broken skin. Finish your prescribed period of treatment, even if the condition gets better. Lomoh 60 MG Injection increases your risk of bleeding and delayed clotting. Be careful while shaving, and while using any sharp objects. Inform your doctor if you see any bleeding from gums, wounds or nose that lasts longer than usual or if any blood appears in your urine, vomit or stool.


Usage does not depend on food timings

To be taken as instructed by doctor

Does not cause sleepiness

How it works

Lomoh 60 MG Injection works by interfering with the normal clotting process and decreasing the clot-forming ability of the blood.

Legal Status









Schedule H 2021. Clexane Multidose Vial - Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) - (emc). [online] Available at: < [Accessed 5 October 2021].>

Drugs, H., 2021. Enoxaparin Injection: MedlinePlus Drug Information. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 5 October 2021].> 2021. DailyMed - ENOXAPARIN SODIUM injectionENOXAPARIN SODIUM injection. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 5 October 2021].> 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 5 October 2021].> 2021. [online] Available at: < [Accessed 5 October 2021].>

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Information on this page was last updated on 10 Nov 2021


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