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1. What is the success rate of Craniotomy?
The success rate of Craniotomy depends on the following factors:
- Age of the patient
- The medical condition of the patient
- Type of surgery performed
- Experience of the surgeon
2. What is the cost of Craniotomy?
Minimum cost of Craniotomy in Hyderabad starts from Rs.83623
Average price of Craniotomy in Hyderabad is approximately Rs.191356
Maximum expenses of Craniotomy in Hyderabad rise up to Rs. 279536
Cost of Craniotomy depends on factors such as:
- Admission fee
- Doctor fee
- Age of the patient
- Type of surgery planned to be performed.
- The medical condition of the patient
- Post-surgical complications that are involved
- Type of Hospital
- The admission room that you opted for
- Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc.
3. Is Craniotomy permanent?
A craniotomy is the surgical removal of a part of the skull for gaining the access to the brain; the part of the skull is replaced after the surgery. Since the part of the skull is replaced by the doctor it is not considered permanent.
4. What is the recovery time Craniotomy?
The recovery time of Craniotomy is 1 to 4 weeks, a few individuals may take up to 8 weeks depending on the underlying factors or medical conditions.
5. What are the indications of Craniotomy?
The following are the indications of Craniotomy:
- Diagnose, remove or treat brain tumors
- Repair or clip an aneurysm
- Remove an arteriovenous malformation (abnormal mass of blood vessels)
- Remove the blood clots in the brain
- Perform biopsy
- Perform aspiration
- Treat the fractures of the skull
- Implant a device
Name | Recommended By | Review Count | Years of Experience | Fee |
Dr. S Srikanth Reddy | 90% | 32 | 20 | 600 |
Dr. Y. Murali Krishna | 50% | 4 | 19 | 800 |
Dr. Sri Ram Chandra Damaraju | 98% | 160 | 33 | 1100 |
Dr. Umesh Prasad Sharma | 66% | 8 | 29 | 650 |
Dr. Naresh Kumar G | 75% | 3 | 12 | 700 |
Dr. Chandra Sekar Mone | 100% | 2 | 38 | 600 |
What is Craniotomy?
A Craniotomy is surgical removal of a part of the skull. This helps to access part of the brain. Special tools are used by the surgeon to remove the bone flap. The surgeon replaces the bone flap after the Craniotomy and closes it with the surrounding bone with the titanium plates and screws.
What are the indications of Craniotomy?
The following are the indications of Craniotomy:
What is the preparation for Craniotomy?
The following are the preparation steps for Craniotomy:
What are the steps involved in Craniotomy?
The following are the steps involved in Craniotomy:
What is the post-surgery care/recovery care for Craniotomy?
The following are the post-care steps to be followed after Craniotomy:
Who can perform Craniotomy [Right specialist for Craniotomy]?
A Craniotomy can be performed by a certified and skilled:
What is the cost of a Craniotomy?
Cost of Craniotomy depends on factors such as:
Minimum cost in Hyderabad starts from Rs.83,623
Average price in Hyderabad is approximately Rs.1,91,356
Maximum expenses in Hyderabad rise up to Rs.2,79,536
Is Craniotomy a major surgery or minor surgery?
A Craniotomy is a major procedure as it involves opening a part of the skull and closing it.
What is the eligibility criteria for Craniotomy?
Individuals who can undergo Craniotomy are:
What is the ineligibility criteria for Craniotomy?
Individuals who cannot undergo Craniotomy are:
What are the risks and complications associated with Craniotomy?
The following are the risks involved in Craniotomy:
How long does it take to complete a Craniotomy?
A Craniotomy may take around 3-5 hours depending on the patient's medical condition.
What is the recovery time?
The recovery time of Craniotomy is 1 to 4 weeks depending on the underlying medical conditions. Complete recovery may take up to 8 weeks.
What is the success rate of Craniotomy?
The success rate of Craniotomy depends on the following factors:
Is Craniotomy painful?
Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and discomfort. The patient may experience some pain and discomfort after the surgery for which the doctor prescribes medicines to reduce the pain.
Is Craniotomy permanent?
A Craniotomy is the surgical removal of a part of the skull which will be replaced after the surgery. Since the part of the skull is replaced by the doctor it is not considered permanent.
Can Craniotomy be detected in the future?
A Craniotomy may be detected in the future because of the presence of the scars and the bone flap is attached with the titanium plates and screws.
What are the options if Craniotomy fails?
If the Craniotomy fails then the doctor may recommend revision of the surgery.