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68 Dentists available in Ghaziabad

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2 Dentist
22 - 26 years experience
₹300 - ₹350Consultation Fees
88%124 Patient Stories
Practo One Badge

Dr. Vivek Sharma

20 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic
Practo One Badge

Dr. Anshuman Ahuja

24 years experience overall
Practo One Badge

Dr. Neha Gupta

21 years experience overall
400 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Saurav Srivastava

14 years experience overall
200 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Ankit Garg

15 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Anu Singh

12 years experience overall
300 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Dentist

Dr. Lokesh Chandra

11 years experience overall
500 Consultation fee at clinic


Best Dentists In Ghaziabad

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Dentist in Ghaziabad

1. Who is a dentist?

A dentist is a doctor dealing with oral health issues, including your mouth, jaw, teeth, and gums. The services provided by a dentist include teeth cleaning, polishing, filling, extraction, root canal treatment, cosmetic enhancement, and advice on oral diseases including tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancer.    

 2. Can I visit a dentist during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe and advisable to visit a dentist while you are pregnant. Before your baby is born, it is important to get a dental checkup and take care of teeth cleaning and fillings, if any. Also, pregnancy comes with its own dental issues and your dentist can help you deal with them better.

3. Do I need a dentist appointment before consulting?

Yes, it is better to book an appointment with your dentist when you seek a consultation, to avoid non-availability and long waiting hours. Booking an appointment online with your dentist is a quick and easy process.

4. Can I go to a dentist for teeth cleaning?    

Yes, most dentists offer teeth cleaning as a part of their services. It includes a physical check-up of your teeth, removal of plaque and tartar (buildup of bacteria and food deposits on teeth and gums), clean-up with a gritty (grainy) toothpaste, flossing, rinsing, and application of fluoride treatment to protect your teeth against future cavities.

5. Which type of mirror is used by dentists?

Dentists use a concave mirror to examine areas in your mouth which are not easily accessible. A concave mirror has an inwardly bent reflecting surface and a polished outward surface, so it also refracts (bends the direction of) light. Thus, it provides a brighter and larger image, without inverting it.

6. What does a pediatric dentist do?

A pediatric dentist, also called a pedodontist, is a specialist of oral health issues in children. A pediatric dentist has special qualifications and experience in dealing with children’s teeth, gums, and mouth issues, all through the developmental stages of childhood up to teenage years.

7. Can any dentist do a root canal procedure?

Although general dentists are qualified and trained in performing the root canal procedure, they may refer patients to an endodontist depending on the complexity of the issue. An endodontist specialises in diagnosing and treating factors related to tooth pain, such as a root canal procedure.

8. When is Dentist’s Day?

In India, the National Dentist’s Day is celebrated on March 6th each year. The aim of observing this day is to remind all of us to show appreciation for our dentists and understand the importance of regular dental healthcare.

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