Undiagnosed abdominal pai
Son has abdominal pain since Friday. Have done USG twice - all clear. Paediatrician has tried broad spectrum drugs - taxim o, rinifol, esterogermina, domstal, deworming - only temporary relief. Blood test (cbc, serum amylase, crp) urine an stool tests all normal. Two injections given on Sunday (paracetamol n imcef - not sure of names) also gave temp relief. Pain returned on Tuesday evening and son who screams at mention of injection was literally begging to be taken for another set of injection. Today was firt pain free day. But still no answer to what caused pain and whether this is just a temporary relief Requesting advise
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Need to see once clinically... If pain is not subsiding... He needs to undergo confirmatory test like ct scan abdomen
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