The imaging findings repr
Geographic areas of altered signal are seen involving the anterosuperior and posterosuperior quadrants of both femoral heads. On both sides the central portion appears hyperintense on T1, T2 and is suppressed on STIR images, suggestive of fat. The margin of the lesion appears hypointense on T1 and T2 weighted images. Approximately 60-70 % of the circumference of both femoral heads are involved. Mild bilateral hip joint effusions is seen. The contour of right femoral head is maintained. Mild collapse is seen of the left femoral head. The geographic areas show no enhancement following contrast administration. The edema in the left femoral head shows enhancement. The other visualised bones appear normal. The pelvic structures appear normal.
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Hi.... The goal is to prevent further bone loss. Specific treatment usually depends on the amount of bone damage you already have... Joint replacement as your diseased bone has already collapsed and other treatment options aren't helping, you might need surgery to replace the damaged parts of your joint with plastic or metal parts.... Consult orthopedician....
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