Non specific Colitis
I have got Colonoscopy done. Report shows bits of colonic mucosa with focal dense aggregate of lymphocytes. Diagnosis is non specific colitis. No distortion of cyrptitis or crypt abscess seen. No granulomas are seen. Pl tell me treatment.
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Hello there......, no treatment has been found that acts as a specific cure in an acute attack or which will prevent relapse..... The tissues of the colon are highly sensitive to trauma in colitis..... A well-balanced diet promotes recovery in convalescence, and long hours of fasting or scanty diet favour relapse...... colitis does not have any known causes nor any cures, diets specific to the disease have been shown to help to alleviate symptoms...Consult Gsstroenterologist.....
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Colitis symptoms and treatment Non specific white matter lesions Non specific viral rash
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