Multiple issues

2023-02-13 17:11:34
From last year I am facing health issues for which i am taking medicine. But currently I am facing an acid reflux problem, right side headache, Chest discomfort & stomach discomfort, nerve pain which happens anytime anywhere. When i get up in the morning the tongue gets fully white coated & no taste is there. I am always tired, not able to concentrate on anything. Despite taking sleep for 6-7 hours I feel sleepy all the time & don't feel fresh. I work in IT & my shift timings are from 2pm to 11pm My sleep schedule and eating timings are not on time. Please guide me what can be the cause & tell me how your consultation will help me so i can pay & consult you.

Answers (22)

Yes, Homoeopathy will cure this. Also you know your lifestyle problems just take care of that. Will Guide you on that.
Next Steps
Consult me on Practo

Answered2023-03-03 07:38:14

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Homeopathy medicine cures your problem permanently through proper case taking
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Answered2023-02-26 07:51:21

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Answered2023-02-24 18:41:00

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Some more details required for proper treatment and diagnosis You can consult me on practo

Answered2023-02-22 08:32:33

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With what you had described it seems your sedentary lifestyle is the reason.... Work stress (present if any) may also play a role. But the actual cause can only be know after a details history and questioning..... Kindly visit a homoeopath nearby or you can consult me for treatment.

Answered2023-02-22 08:23:24

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It seems to be lifestyle change or disturbed sleep cycle which is causing digestive issues or psychosomatic changes. It needs to be addressed asap otherwise it may get complicated. It can be well treated with counseling sessions and homeopathic medicine effectively.
Next Steps
you can contact me through online appointment for further assistance.

Answered2023-02-22 08:08:11

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Homoeopathic medicine is best effective for your complaints. Need more details for proper treatment and guidance. Some more investigation report needed to find out diagnosis. You will get permanent cure with homoeopathic medicine.
Next Steps
Kindly consult me on practo online or calling.

Answered2023-02-16 14:52:43

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It's because of hyper acidity. And there could be other problems too It can be solved quickly with homeopathy treatment

Answered2023-02-16 13:01:47

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Homeopathic medicines will surely help you for all health issues. Consult online with me During my clinic timing 10am to 2.00 pm 6.00pm to 9.00 pm

Answered2023-02-16 06:24:53

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Hi sir Main causes of your symptoms are 1.acid reflux 2. Improper diet and sleep stress etc Homoeopathic medicines will definitely help you to treat without any side effects I need your detailed case history to give proper treatment and guidance Kindly book an appointment through  PRACTO APP.  Medicines will reach you via courier after consultation Dr. Fathima 20 years of Medical Experience

Answered2023-02-15 16:44:39

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One and only cause is indigestion. Due to indigestion you suffer from such type of complain. Indigestion is only cure by homoeopathic medicine with proper diet and exercise. Nothing else can help you .

Answered2023-02-15 07:35:44

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Sure. GERD can be treated. Slight changes in lifestyle n medication will help you. Chat online for.consultation.

Answered2023-02-15 04:42:16

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Yes very effective and permanent treatment available in homoeopathic with me for issue You wil get relief by taking the med As u dont get proper sleep and not eating on time...this increases the issue Consult me through practo Will prescribe the complete treatment Regards

Answered2023-02-14 18:14:51

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Along with homeopathy medicine proper lifestyle management should be done
Next Steps
take Nuxvomica 200 3 doses for 3days
Health Tips
Maintain healthy diet , proper sleep , physical activity and meditation

Answered2023-02-14 10:25:00

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You have already mentioned the cause of your problems in your question. I would suggest you to please change your lifestyle. Take a proper plan from a nutritionist from practo. Try that out sincerely and along with it you can start homeopathic medicine which will show you results within a week only. Consult me Or any homeopathic dr on practo Or visit to your nearby physician.

Answered2023-02-14 06:00:20

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All problems are there because your daily routine is not proper causing you all physical problems or may be there is stress of work
Next Steps
you can consult homoeopathy
Health Tips
Avoid stress, do some walk and exercise to reduce discomfort...

Answered2023-02-14 01:17:06

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Take homoeopathic medicine. Asafoetida 30. 3 times in a day

Answered2023-02-14 00:13:22

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The cause is anxiety, stress, worry etc. A psycho somatic affection. With the help of homoeopathy it can be cured.

Answered2023-02-13 17:48:16

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●Yes it  can be permanently cured with Homeopathy Treatment . ●Very effective medicines are there in Homeopathic  ●With my treatment  you will get permanent relief. ●Will prescribe the complete treatment ●You can consult me now through online     Warm regards.

Answered2023-02-13 17:13:36

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By constitutional treatment (analysing all the symptoms of your body and mind) your problems can be cured permanently.
Next Steps
consult online

Answered2023-03-11 16:56:36

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Hello Appreciate your belief in Homoeopathy See looking at your problems there can multiple cause to your complaints Can be lifestyle work or habits or some deficiencies or some cervical problem with long sitting hours We need to go into each one of them in detail Please consult for proper guidance It needs one to one conversation

Answered2023-02-14 04:07:46

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There can be many causes for your health issues like stress, improper diet, eating outside food / fast food... through consultation you will be able to recognise the main cause for your health issue and you will come to know how to correct it and also other primary causes. You will be able to get back to your health as homoepathy can help you in maximum way by restoring your energy , helping in curing acid reflux and any other associated health related issue 
Next Steps
Consult through practo
Health Tips
Have home cooked food with minimum level of spices .

Answered2023-02-14 03:24:37

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