Headache,inability to sleep,memory loss

2017-03-31 09:15:47
I am not able to sleep properly since 3 months now. i get frequent headaches, loss of breath, memory loss and many other such symptoms.

Answers (4)

You can show yourself to an endocrinologist​ or a neurologist

Answered2017-03-31 10:52:44

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hi I understand with your write up that, these symptoms seems of stress and anxiety either related to professional or personal life. The insomnia itself tells that how much you are stress out , during this time normally most of them won't remember the basic activity because mind is preoccupied with different issues which you are facing from months. only by this we cannot decide the reason or cause for your problem, but one thing psychological/ emotional problem will cause different physical dysfunction. take care stay positive
Next Steps
At the earliest visit any psychologist in your place for better assessment and guidance
Health Tips
spend time with your loved ones, try to divert your mind to the positive area. eat healthy food and indulge yourself in some exercise which will help you to keep calm.

Answered2017-03-31 15:02:49

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Has something happened in your life situation in the last three months which has negatively impacted your thought process? These are symptoms of stress and anxiety. Please consult a Psychologist who can help you to identify what exactly is troubling you so much as to cause these difficulties.
Next Steps
I do not recommend ignoring the symptoms you have mentioned.
Health Tips
Understanding that you need help and getting it in time is crucial to your well being. Life is precious and every moment counts.

Answered2017-03-31 13:46:11

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As there would be reason behind these symptoms, do consult a psychologist in your city. When you try to share your emotions with someone,  you might get a clarity. Once,  you have clarity,  you will come to know the choices available to you. Take care.
Next Steps
Consult a psychologist in your city.

Answered2017-03-31 12:09:30

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