Angina or muscle spasms

2023-04-15 16:13:14
Hello Doctor, Please let me know if my symptoms are angina or muscle spasms. I have sudden sharp pricking pain below left side breast bone, back side, shoulder and radiating to neck. Rarely on side side breast as well.Its happening randomly whether i am walking or sitting doesnt matter. Last for less than 5 mins.I recently did ECG and 2D echo will looks normal . BP checked sometime ago its 118/84 and pulse is 66. SPO2 is 97-98. I am diabetic and sometime getting dizziness.Is there any further test to be taken? Cant take TMT as i have ACL ligament tear and restricted to work on threadmill. Attached my report. I am getting anxiety these days because of this issue. Now i am not able to differentiate if its anxiety, angina or any other issue.

Answers (2)

Hello, Your symptoms do not seem to be anywhere near angina. They seem to be musculoskeletal in origin. Short lasting localized sharp pricking pains not related to physical activity is not angina. Your ECG and Echo are normal. I do not feel the need to investigate further for angina. Don't worry Take care

Answered2023-04-16 02:34:17

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Ecg is normal. Pain is non cardiac.
Next Steps

Answered2023-04-15 16:23:38

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