Anal fissure

2018-09-06 16:51:57
I have been suffering from anal fissure since more than a month. I have tried number of ointments such as hadensa, anobliss, anovate, nitroglycerin, diltiazem, and have taken daflon 500 and sitcom tablets. M using cremaffin and duphalac syrup for stool softening but to no avail. Nothing is working right for me at this point. Earlier i used to get relief from above mentioned drugs. But this time its been a month and as i got the feeling of as it is heeling than next day it get back to where it was. Yesterday i consulted a surgeon and he directly advised me to have lateral sphincterotomy without even hearing my problem completely. It hardly took him 5 mint to advice me for a surgical option. M in desperate need of some doctor who can help me with this problem without any surgery. Thanks

Answers (5)

sometimes anal fissure not cured by only any medication, Then u you should get Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy, its a small mini painless surgical procedure which is very latest procedure and also Anal Dilatation is must for few days, after that you will never have a Fissure again. You'll be fine in just 10 days.
Next Steps
Consult me for the treatment
Health Tips
Eat Fiber Food, Avoid Constipation

Answered2018-09-08 13:04:52

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In case or problem you have tried possible medicine but there is no relief.
Next Steps
I advise you to avoid fatty and spicy food ,non veg . take fiberous food and plenty of  water.and do walking and yoga to improve your digestion.
Health Tips
A ksharsutra surgery in Ayurveda is more beneficial than other surgery. consult me online for further query and complaint with full history and report for complete cure and treatment for complete relief.

Answered2018-09-07 09:11:11

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Hello, The common reason for fissure is constipation. It is among those who are involved in jobs that require sitting for long hours and people who do not indulge in any form of exercise and movement of the body are more vulnerable to it. We have treated many patients having this problem with our Ayurvedic medicine treatment. No need for patients to get admitted and no operation or surgery required. You can contact me online or offline for any questions or medication. Tc

Answered2018-09-06 17:14:00

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Dear take proper treatment in Ayurveda apply our oil for And Follow our diet chart and do some special yoga for this Consult online with me if you want permanent solution

Answered2018-09-21 03:35:44

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The specific treatment for fissure is Graded Kshar Karma. This is done under supervision of Ano Rectal specialist. For more information contact Sushruta Ano Rectal Institute reception.

Answered2018-09-07 10:56:42

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