Ill since 3 months. initial weight was 27 kilo but now it is 14 kilo. she fell while playing and was also drinking raw milk of cow those days. doctor in Dindori district did her x ray and told that little blood has got clot in x ray. she was admitted there and daily given 6-7 injections and medicines. But she stopped eating only ate maggi. She was brought to Bhopal on 3 feb. She was admitted in AIIMS but no proper treatment was done there. Only
vitamin tablets were prescribed.USG whole abdomen shows lymphadenopathy. urine test was normal. MRI shows mild right hip joint effusion.
CRP is 4mg/dl. she was discharged then. They lost her sample of tb. She showed symptoms of typhoid so was given medicines acc to it by doctor here. she was vomiting also.her stomach is paining a lot all the time and experiences sensation in legs. Doctor told to get her admitted and TB-PCR test was normal. Her health is deteriorating. She is in hamidia now. They did USG and CT scan and then biopsy(some pus came)