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Dr. Feroza null in Claim-Profile

Dr. Feroza

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Dr. Feroza is a Dentist

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Common questions & answers

Q: What does Dr. Feroza specialises in ?

A: Dr. Feroza specialises as Dentist.

Q: Who is Dr. Feroza?

A: Dr. Feroza is a Dentist. View more details about the doctor on Practo.

Q: Who is a dentist?

A: A dentist is a doctor who practices dentistry. Dentistry involves the mouth, teeth, gums, and related areas. A dentist takes care of the overall oral healthcare. Common procedures performed at the dentist are tooth filling, tooth extraction, cleaning and polishing of teeth, and minor tooth surgeries like root canal treatment. Within dentistry, there are many specializations that require further training.

Q: What education qualifications are mandatory for a Dentist?

A: A doctoral degree in the field of dental medicine or dental surgery is required to become a dentist. The pre-requisite for doing a dental course is a 4-year bachelor’s degree in a science related field. Qualifying in the dental admission exam and enrolling in a dental school are the next steps.

Q: Should I consult a dentist for bad breath?

A: Bad breath is often due to lack of oral hygiene. In some cases, it may be an indication of some underlying health issue. Consulting a dentist for bad breath is the most logical step. A dentist will perform thorough examination of your teeth and gums to determine the cause of bad breath. Halitosis is the medical term for bad breath.