Doctors in Chandigarh
Practo does not guarantee confirmed appointments and wait-time with these doctors
1. Can drinking plenty of water help in managing proteinuria?
Drinking plenty of water can help maintain optimal kidney function, this is common knowledge. However, no evidence is seen that promotes drinking water in managing proteinuria. Especially, in case of proteinuria due to kidney failure, water intake needs to be limited as per doctor's instructions.
2. What foods you should avoid if i have proteinuria?
Foodstuffs that are rich in sodium and phosphorus should be avoided if you have proteinuria and they include:
Whole-wheat bread or brown rice
Fruits such as avocados, bananas and oranges (juice)
Canned foods
Dark-coloured colas
3. Is there any ayurvedic treatment available for proteinuria?
Yes, there are some ancient ayurvedic herbs which have proven to help to treat proteinuria.
4. How long will proteinuria treatment take?
Treatment of proteinuria depends on the treatment of the cause as it is not a specific disease. If left untreated, it has serious consequences such as kidney failure. Hence the treatment duration for proteinuria is variable. No treatment (temporary or mild cases) or extensive treatment as per the severity of the cause.
5. What medicines should I take for proteinuria?
The medications used for the treatment of proteinuria are basically the drugs used to treat the underlying cause and include:
Angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARAs)
Aldosterone antagonists, selective
ACE inhibitors
Calcium channel antagonists
Diuretics (loop, thiazide)