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Dr. Udayanath Sahoo General Practitioner in Bhubaneswar

Dr. Udayanath Sahoo

Profile is claimed


General Practitioner

52 Years Experience Overall

Medical Registration Verified

94% (32 patients)

Dr. Udayanath Sahoo is a doctor in medicine with a specialization in general practice. He provides primary care to patients of all ages and backgrounds, diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions. He enjoys building long-term relationships with his patients and their families and helping them achieve their health goals. He is also collaborating with other health professionals and refer patients to specialists when needed. He finds his work rewarding and challenging, as he constantly learn new things and face different situations every day.

Patient Stories for Dr. Udayanath Sahoo
These are patient’s opinions and do not necessarily reflect the doctor’s medical capabilities. Read more
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