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Gastric Banding
Cost in Bangalore
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2.8 Lacs
3.8 Lacs
Highest cost (approx)
4.5 Lacs

26 Gastric Banding Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Manas Ranjan Tripathy

General Surgeon
19 years experience overall

Dr. Sunil Kumar B Alur

General Surgeon
26 years experience overall

Dr. Pradeep Krishna RV

GastroIntestinal Surgeon
16 years experience overall
900 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

Bariatric Surgeon
29 years experience overall

Dr. Ravishankar Bhat

GastroIntestinal Surgeon
33 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kiran K J

Bariatric Surgeon
20 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. C.Prashanth

Bariatric Surgeon
31 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Mahesh Chikkachannappa

Bariatric Surgeon
25 years experience overall
1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Girish H

Laparoscopic Surgeon
23 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic
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Dr. Saurabh Misra

Bariatric Surgeon
28 years experience overall
950 Consultation fee at clinic

Gastric Banding

Gastric Bandings Doctors In Bangalore

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Gastric Banding in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Gastric Banding?
Gastric Banding is laparoscopic surgery. In this procedure, a small stomach pouch is made by using an adjustable band which makes you feel full after eating a small amount of food and helps in weight loss. This helps in weight loss by reducing the size of the stomach. By reducing the size of the stomach, it leads to restricting or decreasing the amount of food intake at a time and causes malabsorption of nutrients. Sometimes it may also lead to hormonal changes. Gastric Banding is considered when you have severe obesity, BMI of more than 40, BMI of 35 with conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, joint pains, abnormal cholesterol levels in the blood, sleep apnea, and risk of developing heart disease, etc. Individuals who are unable to lose weight by medications or keep gaining weight even after medication treatment, changes in the diet intake, and modifications in lifestyle can prefer Gastric Banding.

What are the advantages of Gastric Banding?
The following are the advantages of Gastric Banding:

  1. Weight loss after the surgery is higher than the other methods
  2. Health conditions like diabetes, blood pressure, the risk of heart diseases, abnormal lipid parameters, depression, and bone pains, etc. may improve after the surgery in long-term effects
  3. Helps in rapid weight loss

What are the indications of Gastric Banding?

Indications for Gastric Banding are the following conditions:

  1. Heavy body weight or obesity
  2. Obesity with a BMI of more than 40
  3. When other weight loss methods fail in reducing body weight

What is the preparation for Gastric Banding?

The following are the preparation steps to be followed for Gastric Banding:

  1. Follow all the instructions given by your doctor or surgeon.
  2. Take food and drinks as instructed by your doctor.
  3. In case you are using any medications, inform your doctor about it and take them as directed.
  4. Meet your Anesthesiologist after scheduling your surgery date. Your Anesthesiologist may ask you to undergo a few tests before your surgery.
  5.  Be ready with those test reports prior to the day of surgery.

What are the steps involved in Gastric Banding?

The following are the steps involved in Gastric Banding:

  1. In this process, a ring with an inner inflatable band is placed around the top of the stomach by your surgeon to create a small pouch.
  2. This will help in diet restriction as you will feel full after eating a small quantity of food.
  3. The surgeon may change the size of the pouch by injecting or removing the solution with the help of a small device called a port. This will be placed below your skin.

What is the postprocedure care/recovery care for Gastric Banding?

The following are the post-care steps to be followed after Gastric Banding:

  1. You are restricted to eat for one or two days after the surgery.
  2. You should follow the specific diet as instructed by your doctor for at least 12 weeks.
  3. Start taking liquids first and then progress to soft food and then slowly to regular food.
  4.  Follow all the restrictions on how much to eat and what to eat and drink.
  5. There should be follow-up visits to your doctor after this surgery to adjust the size of the opening of the band or if there any problems caused by the band or if this procedure is not helping you to lose weight. There may be changes seen in the first three to six months of surgery. These changes may be body aches, tiredness, flu-like symptoms, dryness of the skin, feeling cold, hair loss or hair thinning, or mood changes.

Who can perform Gastric Banding [Right specialist type for Gastric Banding]?

A qualified Gastroenterologist who has experience or training in Gastric Banding is allowed to perform this procedure.

What is the cost of Gastric Banding?
Cost of Gastric Banding depends on factors such as:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Age of the patient
  4. Type of hospital
  5. The medical condition of the patient
  6. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  7. The admission room that you opted for
  8. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as scanning, etc

Minimum cost in Bangalore starts from Rs.2,80,000

Average expenses in Bangalore is approximately Rs.3,80,000

Maximum amount to be paid in Bangalore rises up to Rs.4,50,000

Is Gastric Banding a major surgery or minor surgery?

Gastric Banding surgery is considered minor as it is a minimally invasive procedure.

What is the eligibility criteria for Gastric Banding?

The following are the eligibility criteria for Gastric Banding:

  1. Body mass index more than 40 with co-morbidities conditions like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, lipid abnormalities, etc.
  2. Weighing more than 400 pounds 0r 200 kilograms.
  3. Above 18 years old suffering from obesity.

What is the ineligibility criteria for Gastric Banding?

The following are the ineligibility criteria for Gastric Banding:

  1. Individuals whose BMI is below 35 and do not have any co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, or abnormal lipid profile, etc.
  2. Patients who are having eating disorders that are not manageable.
  3. Individuals who suffer from obesity and do not have a commitment to change.
  4. Patients who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  5. Individuals suffering from mental illness.

What are the risks and complications associated with Gastric Banding?

Any medical surgery has risks and complications along with benefits. Some of the risks and complications associated with Gastric Banding are the following:

  1. Dumping syndrome
  2. Malnutrition
  3. Ulcers
  4. Perforation of the stomach
  5. Bowel obstruction
  6. Infection
  7. Blood clots
  8. Lung or breathing problem
  9. Excessive bleeding
  10. Leakage in your intestinal system
  11. Reactions to anesthesia
  12. Gallstones
  13. Hernias
  14. Hypoglycemia (low levels of glucose)

How long does it take to complete Gastric Banding?

Gastric Banding may take about 1-2 hours to complete the procedure.

What is the recovery time?

The recovery time may vary with every individual. However, the recovery time is 2-6 weeks.

What is the success rate of Gastric Banding?
The success rate of Gastric Banding may depend on:

  1. Age of the patient
  2. Health condition of the patient
  3. Care taken by the patient after the surgery
  4. Lifestyle modifications

Is Gastric Banding painful?

Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under general anesthesia.

Is Gastric Banding permanent?

Gastric Banding is not a permanent procedure. This may last for a maximum of 10 years.

What are the long-term results of Gastric Banding?

The following are the long-term effects of Gastric Banding:

  1. Gallstones
  2. Hernias
  3. Bowel obstruction
  4. Hypoglycemia (low levels of glucose)
  5. Ulcers
  6. Malnutrition
  7. Perforation of the stomach
  8. Dumping syndrome
  9. Blood clots

Can Gastric Banding be detected in the future?

Gastric Banding can be detected in the future if the band remains in the stomach.

What are the options if Gastric Banding fails?

If Gastric Banding fails, the doctor may recommend

  1. Gastric bypass
  2. Sleeve gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)
  3. Biliopancreatic diversion with duodenal switch

What are the alternatives for Gastric Banding?

Some alternatives to Gastric Banding for weight loss are the following:

  1. Modifications or changes in daily food intake.
  2. Doing physical activities daily for about 30-60 minutes.
  3. Taking weight loss pills as directed by your doctor.
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