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82 Cesarean Delivery Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Ambika V

23 years experience overall

Dr. Bhargavi Reddy

32 years experience overall
700 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Kanaka Santhosh

23 years experience overall

Dr. Archana Agarwal

32 years experience overall
800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pavana Prakash

25 years experience overall

Dr. Narmatha E

17 years experience overall

Dr. Ramya Shankar

24 years experience overall

Dr. Madhu Patil

16 years experience overall
1000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Rekha S

17 years experience overall
FAQs on Cesarean Delivery Surgery

Dr. M. Gowri

35 years experience overall

Cesarean Delivery

Cesarean Deliveries Doctors In Bangalore

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Cesarean Delivery in Bangalore

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Cesarean Delivery?

The surgical delivery of the child with the help of an incision done on the abdominal wall and uterus of the pregnant mother is called as cesarean delivery or C-Section. Cesarean delivery is often performed by the doctor when there are any complications related to normal vaginal delivery like multiple childbirths, high blood pressure of the mother, developmental conditions of the newborn, and other conditions. 

What are the advantages of Cesarean Delivery?

The following are the advantages of cesarean Delivery are:

  1. Reduced pain and discomfort when compared to normal delivery
  2. A safer option for complicated pregnancies

What are the indications of Cesarean Delivery?

Cesarean Delivery or C-section is indicated in the following conditions:

  1. Cephalopelvic disproportion (The fetal head is larger than the vaginal opening)
  2. Placentation abnormalities like placenta previa, placenta accreta (The placenta forms in such a way that it obstructs or completely blocks the birth canal)
  3. High blood pressure of the mother
  4. Fetal developmental abnormalities
  5. Winding of the umbilical cord around the neck of the baby
  6. Improper positioning/presentation of the fetus (Frank Breech or non-frank breech presentations)
  7. Multiple pregnancies( twins or triplets)

What is the preparation for Cesarean Delivery?

Before undergoing Cesarean Delivery, the following preparation is needed:

  1. Complete evaluation of the pregnancy will be done by the doctor to rule out the need for performing a cesarean delivery
  2. All the risks, complications, and benefits associated with Cesarean Delivery must be discussed with the doctor
  3. Before undergoing Cesarean Delivery, the patient should inform past and present medical and medications history to the doctor
  4. The patient may be asked to sign a consent form before undergoing this procedure
  5. The patient must inform the doctor about current medicine prescriptions or any known allergies towards anesthetics, latex, etc
  6. The patient will be suggested to empty the bladder a few hours before the procedure
  7. The patient would be required to not to eat anything (fast) for at least 8 hours before the surgery

What are the steps involved in Cesarean Delivery?

Cesarean Delivery involves the following steps:

  1. The patient will be prepared for the surgery and be asked to put on a hospital gown before the surgery. Later; positioned on the operating/examination table for the surgery
  2. An intravenous line will be started on the arm or hand of the patient 
  3. A urinary catheter will be inserted to keep the urinary bladder empty
  4. The abdominal region will be prepared for the surgery by clipping the hair and sterilizing the region with suitable antiseptics
  5. An anesthesiologist will monitor the vital signs of the patient like heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, etc
  6. The anesthesia will be injected while monitoring the vitals of the individual, the effects depend on the type of anesthesia used 
  7. Some individuals may still hear and see the process while not feeling any type of pain during the surgery 
  8. Once the desired anesthetic effect is achieved, the surgeon will make either vertical or horizontal cut in the lower abdominal region till the uterine wall is reached
  9. Once the uterine wall is reached, the incision is made on the uterus and the amniotic sac is opened to deliver the child
  10. The patient may experience some feeling of pulling or pressure during this process; as the baby is delivered, the umbilical cord is cut and the placenta is removed
  11. Later, the uterus, muscle, fat and skin layers will be sutured/stapled and dressed with the sterile dressings
  12. The patient will be shifted to the respective ward and monitored for 2-4 days until recovers completely without any complications

What is the postsurgery care/recovery care for Cesarean Delivery?

After the completion of the surgery, the patient may be required to stay in the hospital until the sedation wears off

  1. The patient may require to stay at the hospital for at least 2-4 days.
  2. The patient is recommended to avoid activities like bending over or lifting heavy weights for at least one month after the procedure.
  3. The patient must consult the doctor immediately if cramps, bleeding or leakage of fluid from the site of incision is seen.
  4. Treatment will be given if the patient feels dizzy, nauseated or light-headed after delivery.
  5. Necessary prescriptions for pain and infections should be used by the patient as directed by the doctor.
  6. Report to the doctor immediately if the patient develops a fever or chills or severe abdominal cramps or excessive vaginal discharge is seen.

Who can perform Cesarean Delivery [Right specialist type for Cesarean Delivery]?

Cesarean Delivery can be performed by an Obstetric surgeon or a Gynecologist who is well experienced in performing Cesarean Delivery (C-Section).

What is the cost of Cesarean Delivery?

Cost of Cesarean Delivery depends on factors such as:

  1. Admission fee
  2. Doctor fee
  3. Age of the patient
  4. The medical condition of the patient
  5. Post-surgical complications that are involved
  6. Type of hospital
  7. The admission room opted for
  8. Any other lab tests or examination tests such as X-ray, ECG, etc

Minimum cost for Cesarean Delivery in Bangalore starts from Rs.40,000

Average expenses for Cesarean Delivery in Bangalore is approximately Rs.78,000

Maximum amount to be paid for Cesarean Delivery in Bangalore rises up to Rs.1,20,000

Is Cesarean Delivery a major surgery or minor surgery?

Cesarean Delivery is considered a major surgery as it involves the use of general anesthesia and the use of either vertical or transverse incisions in the abdominal wall and the uterus of the pregnant mother. 

What is the eligibility criteria for Cesarean Delivery?

The eligibility criteria for Cesarean Delivery are:

  1. Complicated pregnancies
  2. Fetal developmental abnormalities
  3. Previous history of cesarean delivery
  4. High blood pressure or any other conditions complicating pregnancy
  5. Fetal positioning 
  6. Active infections or diseases like herpes lesions, HIV, etc

What is the ineligibility criteria for Cesarean Delivery?

The ineligibility criteria for Cesarean Delivery are:

  1. When the mother's health condition supports the normal delivery 
  2. The position, size, and health condition of the unborn baby are normal
  3. If there are no signs of fetal distress

What are the risks and complications associated with Cesarean Delivery?

The following are the risks and complications associated with Cesarean Delivery:

  1. Bleeding and infections around the incision sites
  2. Injury or damage to the internal organs (bladder or bowel)
  3. Urinary infections or difficulty while passing urine
  4. Blood clots
  5. Unable to deliver the child vaginally in later pregnancies (rare)
  6. Increased risk of obesity or cardiovascular diseases

How long does it take to complete Cesarean Delivery?

Cesarean Delivery may take almost 45 minutes -1 hour to complete and sometimes it may take more than the usual time depending on the condition of the patient.

What is the success rate of Cesarean Delivery?

The success rate of Cesarean Delivery is 80-90%

Is Cesarean Delivery painful?

Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort. The patient won't be experiencing pain during this process as the patient will be given either a spinal or epidural anesthesia.

What are the long-term results of Cesarean Delivery?

Few of the long term benefits and risks of Cesarean Delivery are:

  1. Decreased urinary discomfort 
  2. Decreases the risk of pelvic organ prolapse

Can Cesarean Delivery be detected in future?

Cesarean Delivery can be detected in the future upon visual examination in the abdominal region and some imaging tests.

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