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Shree Hospital

Shree Hospital

Shree Hospital

(18 patient stories)

City Light Town, Surat

Multi-Speciality Hospital


1 Doctor

OBSTETRICS FACILITIESNormal delivery 24x7Cesarean delivery 24x7Comprehension Antenatal careHigh resolution Ultrasonography & Colour Doppler UltrasonographyHigh risk pregnancy management and deliveryManagement of bad obstetrics history and multiple pregnancy lossPre-conceptional and Pre-marital counselling and check up GYNECOLOGICAL FACILITIES Operative laparoscopy & hysteroscopyMinimally invasive surgeriesInfertility management & fertility enhancing surgeryIUI (In Utero Insemination)Management of abnormal periods (uterine bleeding)Menopausal clinicCancer screeningUrogynecology & Prolapse SurgeryAdolescent clinic


3rd floor, Siddhi Shopping Complex
Landmark: Above ICICI bank,
City Light Town, Surat
Get Directions


Mon - Sun

09:00 - 08:00


Modes of Payment

Credit Card | Insurance | Cash | Cheque | Online Payment | Debit Card | UPI

DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology, MBBS

13 years experience overall

Laparoscopic Surgeon (Obs & Gyn)


Infertility Specialist



100% (18 votes)
Mon-Sat10:00-11:00, 04:00-06:00