Patna Children Hospital and Newborn Care Centre provides NICU Care, PICU Care, Private Room, OPD, Daily Vaccination, 24 x 7 Emergency, Multipara Monitor, Pulse Oximeter, Servo Controlled Radiant Warmer, ABG, LED Phototherapy, Exchange Blood Transfusion, Fisher Paykel Bubble CPAP, Ventilator (3 in no., has Dragger Babylog 800+ with high-frequency ventilation, Philips ventilator), Surfactant Therapy, Central Oxygen Therapy And Central Air Compressor.
MIG 218, In Lane, Doctors Colony
Landmark: 50 metres north of Malahi Pakari Chawk,In Lane opposite Final Diagnosis
Kankarbagh, Patna
Get Directions
Mon - Sat
09:00 - 03:30
04:00 - 09:30
09:00 - 03:00
04:00 - 09:30
Visited Dr. Anup Kumar (Pediatrician) For Neuro Developmental Therapy
Happy with: Explanation of the health issueDoctor friendliness
Hi all, I just went to a clinic to see a doctor about my child's(Atharv) problem, and trust me, I had already seen a few other doctors before him, but no one had thoroughly checked my child until Dr Anup did so. The best thing he does is dig deep to understand the underlying cause of the problem. He is very sincere, a good listener, and well experienced. Hence, I'll recommend all to see him in case your child is suffering from any issues.
Visited Dr. Anup Kumar (Pediatrician) For Childhood Infections
Happy with: Doctor friendlinessExplanation of the health issueTreatment satisfactionValue for moneyWait time
He behaved in a delicate way with my 6 month old baby & also with my 5 year old son & also gave a toy to my son. His prescribed medicines also done it's job very well. He is a very nice doctor in real sense.
----- Virendra Kumar
( Father of Shivangi Singh )
Visited Dr. Anup Kumar (Pediatrician)
Happy with: Explanation of the health issueTreatment satisfactionValue for moneyDoctor friendliness
My baby age only 3days and suffering from JONDISH with issue of rh factor O - (negative) blood group... But Sir Dr. Anup Kumar .. very good Dr & proove their honesty...
In one sentence DR ANUP KUMAR is the best & best very best Dr for child treatment in patna .
Visited Dr. Anup Kumar (Pediatrician) For New Born CareConsultation provided for newborns Pediatric Vaccinations
Happy with: Doctor friendlinessExplanation of the health issueTreatment satisfactionValue for moneyWait time
Interact very well,**** *** **** ********** ** ***** ** ** *******
Explain everything what are the changes physiological & pathological ( like poor response,severe jaundice ,frequent episode of vomiting, fever) if these symptoms developed immediately visit clinic and take valuable opinion.
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