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Stugenol 75 MG Tablet

Manufactured bySwiss Pharma Pvt. Ltd.


Stugenol 75 MG Tablet is a medicine that belongs to the category of antihistaminic medications. It is used to prevent and treat symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, headaches, associated with motion sickness. This medicine is also used to treat problems associated with the inner ear and the brain. This medicine is not recommended for use in patients below 5 years of age.


List of substitutes for Stugenol 75 MG Tablet

Diziron 75 MG Tablet
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Stugeron 75 MG Tablet
Janssen India
Vergo 75 MG Tablet
Alkem Laboratories Ltd.
Stugeron Forte Tablet
Johnson & Johnson
Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Side effects

Major & minor side effects for Stugenol 75 MG Tablet


Weight gain


Stomach discomfort and pain

Excessive sweating

Unusual tiredness and weakness


Dry mouth

Twitching and unusual movement of muscles

Yellowing of skin and eyes

Excessive salivation

Swelling of face, lips, eyelids, tongue, hands and feet

Depressed mood

Muscle stiffness and trembling

Irregular heart beat

Difficulty in swallowing

Discoloration of tongue



Urinary retention

Uses of Stugenol 75 MG Tablet

What is it prescribed for?

Motion sickness (Illness caused by travelling)

This medicine is used to prevent and treat sickness and dizziness associated with motion sickness

Vertigo and vestibular disorders (Internal or external spinning sensation in head)

This medicine is used to treat vertigo and other symptoms caused by balance and movement problems such as sickness, vomiting, ringing of ears. It is also used to treat similar symptoms of Meniere's disease.

Heart and blood vessel disorder

This medicine may also be used to treat blood circulation disorders caused due to the narrowing of vessels.

Commonly asked questions

  • How long does it take for this medicine to take effect?

    The amount of time required for this medicine to show its action is not clinically established.
  • How long do the effects of this medicine last?

    The amount of time for which this medicine remains active in the body is not clinically established.
  • Is it safe to consume alcohol while taking this medicine?

    Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with this medicine due to the increased risk of side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness. It is advised that you do not perform any activities such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery if you experience any such symptoms.
  • Is this a habit forming medicine?

    No habit forming tendencies were reported.
  • Can this medicine be taken during pregnancy?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.
  • Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?

    This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless absolutely necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine. Your doctor may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition.


This medicine is not recommended for use if you have a known history of allergy to cinnarizine or any other inactive ingredients present in the formulation.


This medicine is not recommended for use in patients suffering from depression or any other depressive disorder due to the increased risk of worsening the patient's condition.


This medicine is not recommended for use in patients suffering from a rare genetic condition affecting the blood and the skin due to the increased risk of worsening the patient's condition.

Warnings for special population


This medicine is not recommended for use in pregnant women unless necessary. The risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine.


This medicine is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless absolutely necessary. All the risks and benefits should be discussed with the doctor before taking this medicine. Your doctor may prescribe a safer alternative based on your clinical condition.

General warnings


Use of this medicine may cause a lack of interest, low mood, sleep disturbances in some patients. It should be administered with caution in patients with an active/past instance of depression.

Driving or Operating machinery

Use of this medicine may cause drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision or other visual disturbances in some patients. It is advised that you do not perform any activities such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery if you experience any of these symptoms.

Liver/kidney disease

This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from liver/kidney diseases due to the increased risk of severe adverse effects. Close monitoring of liver/kidney function tests is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.


This medicine should be used with caution in patients with glaucoma due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Pediatric use

This medicine is not recommended for use in children below 5 years of age since the safety and efficacy were not clinically established.

Use in elderly

This medicine should be used with caution in the elderly as the risk of adverse effects are significantly high.

Fall in blood pressure

Use of high doses of this medicine may cause a fall in blood pressure and hence should be used with caution in patients suffering from hypotension.

Galactose intolerance

This medicine should not be used if you suffer from a genetic disorder causing intolerance to galactose or other sugars.

Other medicines

This medicine may interact with many other medicines and may cause severe adverse effects. Hence, it is advised that you report all your current medicines, including any herbs and supplements, to the doctor before beginning treatment with this medicine.

Missed Dose

Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. If it is almost the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose. Do not double your dose to make up for the missed dose.


Seek emergency medical treatment or contact the doctor in case of an overdose.
All drugs interact differently for person to person. You should check all the possible interactions with your doctor before starting any medicine.

Interaction with Alcohol




Consumption of alcohol is not recommended during treatment with this medicine due to the increased risk of side effects such as drowsiness and dizziness. It is advised that you do not perform any activities such as driving a vehicle or operating machinery if you experience any such symptoms.

Interaction with Medicine





Disease interactions

Parkinson's disease

This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from Parkinson's disease due to the increased risk of worsening of the patient's condition. Report any unusual symptoms to the doctor immediately. Close monitoring of the clinical condition, appropriate dose adjustments, or replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary based on the clinical condition.

Kidney disease

This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from kidney diseases due to the increased risk of severe adverse effects. Close monitoring of kidney function tests is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Liver Disease

This medicine should be used with caution in patients suffering from liver diseases due to the increased risk of severe adverse effects. Close monitoring of liver function tests is necessary while receiving this medicine. Appropriate dose adjustments or replacement with a suitable alternative may be required in some cases based on the clinical condition.

Food interactions

Information not available.

Lab interactions

Skin sensitivity test

Report the use of this medicine to the doctor before a skin sensitivity test. This medicine may interfere with the procedure and may give false-negative results.
Take this medicine exactly advised by your doctor. Do not take in larger or smaller amounts than advised/prescribed. Consult the doctor if you experience any undesirable side effects. Do not stop the use of this medicine without consulting your doctor.


To be taken after food

To be taken as instructed by doctor

May cause sleepiness

How it works

This medicine acts on the vomiting center in the brain to prevent the sensation of vomiting and it also works by preventing the narrowing of blood vessels.

Legal Status







Antiemetic/antivertigo agents


Schedule H

[Internet]. 2020 [cited 30 March 2020]. Available from:

Cinnarizine - DrugBank [Internet]. 2020 [cited 30 March 2020]. Available from:

[Internet]. 2020 [cited 30 March 2020]. Available from:

[Internet]. 2020 [cited 30 March 2020]. Available from:

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Information on this page was last updated on 13 Apr 2020


We’ve made all possible efforts to ensure that the information provided here is accurate, up-to-date and complete, however, it should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only provides reference source for common information on medicines and does not guarantee its accuracy or exhaustiveness. The absence of a warning for any drug or combination thereof, should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for any given patient. Practo does not assume any responsibility for any aspect of healthcare administered with the aid of information provided above. If you have any doubts about your medication then we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor, nurse or healthcare provider. See detailed T&C here.