Follihair A Tablet

Manufactured byAbbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.


  • Follihair A Tablet is a vitamin and mineral hair nutritional supplement that promotes hair growth and makes hair healthy.
  • It prevents hair thinning and hair loss.
  • It protects the hair damage due to oxidative stress.
  • It prevents hair dryness and helps in maintaining the texture and thickness of hair.
  • It helps in lowering the symptoms of androgenic alopecia (hair loss).

Follihair A Tablet is a vitamin and mineral hair nutritional supplement that promotes hair growth. It increases the growth rate of hair follicle cells and brings more blood flow to the scalp. It also prevents hair dryness and helps in maintaining the texture and thickness of hair. It boosts hair growth or slows down hair loss.

Key ingredients

  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Soya isoflavones
  • Botanical extracts
  • Melatonin
Direction to use

As directed by the physician.


Store at room temperature protected from sunlight, heat, and moisture. Keep this away from the reach of children and pets. Use these tablets before the date of expiry.

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