Kidney stones

2018-02-25 15:26:53
Am having kidney stones for past 1and half years measuring 5mm of 2stones on Right and 4mm of 2stones on left kidney, my doctor suggest me k-cit syrup of 15ml with glass of water thrice a day, am using it since one year but my stones are not coming out it is on the same place each time i scan. Some times pain is getting worse i use Doverine and ketorol tablets for pain.. Is there any ways to get the stones out of my kidney permanently ???

Answers (1)

the syrup that you are taking is meant to prevent stone growth rather than expulsion of stone. You would need shock wave lithotripsy for the stones or flexible ureteroscopy if the stone is in difficult position for lithotripsy. Intervention only would help you in getting rid of the stones permanently

Answered2018-02-26 04:54:14

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