9month weight gain less

2018-06-09 02:33:43
Hi, My daughter just completed 9months and her weight is 8.6kgs..I give her only home made food and breast milk. Is the weight sufficient or should I start formula too?.I tried earlier with Nan pro 2 formula she was drinking it earlier.Now tried giving her, and she refuses it.Any other brand formula which is best for her? Also, I feel she doesn't like the smell of Nan pro 2 since she refused to take formula from the katori which we used to give water earlier

Answers (2)

8.6kg at 9months age is appropriate for her age....So you needn't worry at all...Give her home made food with adequate balance between carbohydrate , protein and fat

Answered2018-06-09 11:56:30

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Hello, your child weight is appropriate for age, need not worry. Continue home made foods and keep introducing new foods

Answered2018-06-09 02:55:09

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