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8 doctors available in North bangalore

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Mind & Brain Hospital

Mind & Brain Hospital

1 - 19 years experience
₹1100 - ₹3000Consultation Fees
96%546 Patient Stories

Ms. Karthika Menon Thomas

Counselling Psychologist
11 years experience overall

Ms. Zulekha Rajani

Counselling Psychologist
8 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Mr. Shujauddin Fahimuddin Inamdar (PT)

Counselling Psychologist
5 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Ms. Navya Anna Mathew

Counselling Psychologist
1 year experience
1500 Consultation fee at clinic
Mindful TMS Neurocare

Mindful TMS Neurocare

7 - 13 years experience
₹1500Consultation Fees
96%61 Patient Stories

Ms. Masira Sawkar

Counselling Psychologist
11 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Ms. Varsha

Counselling Psychologist
3 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Monica S. Sharma (PhD)

Counselling Psychologist
14 years experience overall
3000 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Safina Naaz (PhD)

Counselling Psychologist
2 years experience overall
1500 Consultation fee at clinic
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Counselling Psychologist

Best Counselling Psychologists In North Bangalore

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 (30 Reviews & Ratings)
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