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Breast Augmentation
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20 Breast Augmentation Doctors in Bangalore

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Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh

General Surgeon
29 years experience overall

Dr. Raghunandan K S

Laparoscopic Surgeon
22 years experience overall
₹500 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Shabeer Ahmed

General Surgeon
38 years experience overall
₹600 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Sunil Kumar B Alur

General Surgeon
26 years experience overall
₹800 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Pradeep Krishna RV

GastroIntestinal Surgeon
16 years experience overall
₹900 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Munireddy M V

General Surgeon
19 years experience overall

Dr. Chethan Sathish

Plastic Surgeon
15 years experience overall
₹850 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Priyadarshan K

Plastic Surgeon
34 years experience overall
₹980 Consultation fee at clinic

Dr. Naveen Kumar

Plastic Surgeon
20 years experience overall
₹700 Consultation fee at clinic
FAQs on Breast Augmentation Surgery

Dr. G Girish

Laparoscopic Surgeon
21 years experience overall
₹1100 Consultation fee at clinic

Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentations Doctors In Bangalore

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Breast Augmentation in Bangalore

What is Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation is a process in which saline or silicone implants are inserted into the breasts to enlarge them.

How much does Breast Augmentation cost?

The cost of Breast Augmentation may vary according to the following factors:

  1. Doctors fee
  2. Hospital charges
  3. Medical condition
  4. Type of breast surgery
  5. Type of implants used 

The minimum amount to be paid for Breast Augmentation in Bangalore starts from Rs.37,000

The average charges for Breast Augmentation in Bangalore is approximately Rs.1,58,300

The maximum cost for Breast Augmentation in Bangalore rises up to Rs.5,00,000.00

Right specialists for Breast Augmentation?

Breast Augmentation can be performed by an experienced and skilled plastic and cosmetic surgeon who has performed several successful breast augmentations before.

Is Breast Augmentation safe?

Every surgical procedure has its own risks and benefits. Breast Augmentation may be safe when performed by an experienced surgeon and under medical supervision.

Is Breast Augmentation painful?

Every surgery comes with a certain level of pain and some discomfort.  You won't be experiencing pain during this process because you will be under general anesthesia.  There may be some pain after breast surgery. You will be prescribed with some pain killers to reduce the pain.

Which breast implants are the best?

There are two types of breast implants available:

  1. Silicone gel-filled 
  2. Saline-filled breast

The best one for you depends on your breast tissue, the shape you desire, site of incision, your budget, etc. Discuss well with your qualified surgeon before considering them.

How does Breast Augmentation affect breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding after Breast Augmentation depends mostly on the type of breast surgery. Most of the breast surgeries will not affect breastfeeding. Sometimes, the incision made around the areola (smile incision) may have breastfeeding risks.

How long is Breast Augmentation recovery?

It may take around one or two weeks to recover. But you will be restricted to your activities for several weeks. There will be swelling and soreness for a few days after the surgery. It is recommended to go back to your normal activities from the sixth week of your surgery.

How long does Breast Augmentation surgery take?

Breast Augmentation may take around one to two hours for the complete process.

Is Breast Augmentation major surgery?

Breast Augmentation is considered major surgery. It involves general anesthesia, cuts or incisions under the arms, under the breast, or sometimes around the nipples. These cuts and incisions will be closed with sutures after the implantation.

How breast implants are made?

Breast implants are usually made of:

  1. Sterile saltwater
  2. Silicone gel
  3. Composite filler implants

Does Breast Augmentation affect nipple sensation?

Breast Augmentation may affect nipple sensation due to the following reasons:

  1. Nerve damage at the nipples during the surgery
  2. An implant which is too big for the body
  3. Nerve damage at the point where chest and breast meets

Does Breast Augmentation lift breasts?

There will be a slight lift in breasts in the Breast Augmentation surgery. This surgery will make the breasts look round and full, which will give a little upliftment to the sagging breasts.

Does Breast Augmentation increase cancer risk?

Most of the women who undergo Breast Augmentation has been reported with breast-implant associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma [BIA-ALCL] which is an uncommon type of immune system cancer. BIA-ALCL is usually found in the area around the scar tissues and fluid of the implants. Removal of implants after early detection can cure BIA-ALCL.

How is Breast Augmentation surgery performed?

Breast Augmentation is performed by making an incision and separating the breast tissue from the connective tissue and muscles of the chest. This creates a pocket-like space in which the implant is inserted.

How breast implants are put in?

Breast implants are inserted in the following places:

  1. Under the arm (axillary)
  2. Around the nipple (periareolar)
  3. Under the breast (inframammary)
  4. In the underarm (trans-axillary)
  5. Above the navel (transumbilical)

What is endoscopic Breast Augmentation?

Endoscopic Breast Augmentation is a process in which surgery can be done without any cuts. In this process, a tiny incision is made at the top of the armpit and an endoscope is introduced which will help in the creation of the pocket.

What is transaxillary Breast Augmentation?

In transaxillary breast augmentation, an incision is made in the armpit. A channel to the breast is made and a tissue pocket is created for the breast implant.

Will insurance cover Breast Augmentation for asymmetry?

Your insurance may cover Breast Augmentation only if it is medically necessary (after mastectomy) and it depends on what plan you have taken and from which company you are insured in.

Is Breast Augmentation permanent?

Breast Augmentation may have a long lifespan but they are not considered permanent. You may need breast surgery again to correct the changes due to:

  1. Aging
  2. Lifestyle modifications
  3. Size of implant
  4. Type of implant

You may also want to know

Breast Augmentation: Overview

Breast Augmentation also called augmentation mammoplasty. It is a surgical procedure in which the size of the breast is increased with the help of breast implants. This can be achieved by making an incision and making a pocket in the breast to insert the implant. The implants usually used for this process are made of saline or silicone gel. There are different types of implants available. They are:

  1. Saline breast implants
  2. Structured saline breast implants
  3. Silicone breast implants
  4. Gummy bear breast implants
  5. Round breast implants
  6. Smooth breast implants
  7. Textured breast implants

Breast Augmentation Indications

Breast Augmentation can be indicated for the following reasons: 

  1. If you are not happy with the size of your breasts.
  2. If you want to enhance the appearance of your breasts.
  3. If you have lost the volume of your breast during the pregnancy or during the weight loss process.

Who is an eligible candidate for Breast Augmentation

Eligible criteria for Breast Augmentation:

  1. Healthy women above 18 years of age.
  2. For silicone breast implants women above 22 years are considered eligible.
  3. Women who underwent a mastectomy.
  4. Women who did not get the desired results after using other options like pills, fat grafting, etc.

Who is an ineligible candidate for Breast Augmentation

Ineligible candidates for Breast Augmentation are

  1. Girls below 18 years of age are not eligible for saline breast implants and below 22 years are not allowed to undergo silicone breast implants. 
  2. Individuals who are suffering from some serious health issues such as heart diseases, clotting disorders, weak immune system, etc.

Right specialists type for Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation can be performed by an experienced and skilled plastic and cosmetic surgeon who has performed several successful breast augmentations before.

How to prepare for Breast Augmentation

  1. Before undergoing this surgery, inform your doctor about your past medical history.
  2. Your surgeon will examine your breasts to know what type of breast implants suit you.
  3. You may be asked to undergo certain blood tests before the surgery.
  4. Your breast may be photographed from various angles to compare it with the breast after completion of the surgery.
  5. Smoking will delay recovery. Hence, you are advised to quit smoking until you are completely recovered and also prior to the surgery.
  6. You will be asked to remove the jewelry and contact lens that you are wearing.
  7. Discuss all the benefits, complications, and risks involved in the breast implants with your doctor.
  8. Before going to the operation theater, your surgeon will mark the areas on the breast just to confirm how much size and what shape do you need.

Steps of Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation can be performed by any one of these following methods:

Method-1: Inframammary

  1. General anesthesia will be given to avoid pain during the surgery.
  2. An incision is made under the breast and through it the chest muscle and tissues are separated to make a pocket.
  3. The selected implant will be placed in the pocket and adjusted to the center inside your breasts. 
  4. The incision made will be closed with the help of sutures.

Method-2: Trans-axillary

  1. The steps involved in this process is similar to the above method.
  2. An incision is made under the armpit and the breast implant will be inserted in this opening by your plastic surgeon. 
  3. In this procedure, a small scar is left at the site of the incision.

Method-3: Axillary

  1. General anesthesia will be given to avoid pain during the surgery.
  2. An incision is made under the arm and the implants are sent through the arm.
  3. The implants are centered in the breasts and adjusted.
  4. Later the incision is closed with the help of sutures. This way the scars on the breast can be avoided.

Method-4: Transumbilical

  1. General anesthesia will be given to avoid pain during the surgery.
  2. In this method, an incision is made above the navel and through it, the breast implants are sent to the breasts and the position will be adjusted.
  3. This leaves a very small scar at the site of the incision.

Method-5: Peri-areolar

  1. In this procedure, an incision is made at the outer edge of the areola.
  2. Through this incision, the breast implants are inserted and adjusted in a proper position.

Post-procedure care/ recovery after Breast Augmentation

  1. You may suffer from pain, and swelling in the chest region. So, take the pain killers prescribed your doctor as directed.
  2. Nausea and vomiting may occur. In such cases, take the anti-nausea medications which are prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Keep the chest area clean all the time to prevent any infections.
  4. Post your breast augmentation surgery, you may be recommended to wear a bandage to compress the breasts.
  5. You may be recommended to wear a sports bra to provide proper support to the breasts.
  6. Follow your doctor’s instructions on when to return to your regular work or activities.
  7. You are advised to avoid physical activities, workouts, strenuous exercise for at least two weeks.
  8. You need to make follow-up visits to your doctor to remove sutures, to know if the sutures are healed, etc.
  9. Avoid sex and intercourse for a period of about 3 to 4 weeks.
  10. Eat fruits like apple, banana, pineapple, and kiwi, etc. to boost your immune system.
  11. You are advised to sleep on your back for several weeks and not on the stomach or sideways.

Risks/complications associated with Breast Augmentation

Every surgery comes with its own benefits and risks. The risks involved in this  procedure are as follows:

  1.  Pain in the breast
  2. Chances of developing an infection
  3. Capsular contracture (where the scar tissue distorts the shape of the implants)
  4. Rupture of the implant
  5. Leakage of the implant
  6. Sometimes there may be chances of asymmetry
  7. Shrinking of the skin
  8. Hard lumps around the implant
  9. Tightening or hardening of the breast
  10. Underlying rib cage or chest wall appears deformed
  11. Incision site fails to heal or may take longer to heal
  12. Sometimes the skin may breakdown and the implants can be visible through it
  13. Toxic shock syndrome may occur
  14. Loss of sensation in nipples and around the breast area where the implants were placed
  15. Disappointing presentation of the breast after implant due to the size and style of the breast implant

Advantages of Breast Augmentation

The following are the advantages of Breast Augmentation:

  1. It gives volume to the breasts
  2. Breasts with irregular shape can be rectified
  3. It helps in symmetrical body shape
  4. It restores breasts after pregnancy and aging
  5. It helps to rebuild the breasts after mastectomy
  6. It helps in building confidence

Long term outcome/results of Breast Augmentation

  1. Breast Augmentation may not last more than 10 years. 
  2. You may need to undergo breast augmentation again after 10 years. 
  3. There may be pain and swelling if the implants are not placed properly.
  4. Capsular contracture (hardening of the tissue) may occur around the breast.
  5. Sometimes silicone-based gel implants or saline-filled implants may leak into the breast tissues.
  6. Over time, implants may rip or tear. It is difficult to know if the silicone gel implants are torn, hence you are recommended to take MRI scans every two years to check for the leakage.
  7. Long term effects of breast augmentation also involve sagging of the breasts. This may happen due to the weight of the implants.

The success rate of Breast Augmentation

The success rate of Breast Augmentation depends on the following factors:

  1. Age of the patient
  2. Type of breast implant used
  3. The medical condition of the patient
  4. Immune response of the individual to the breast implant
  5. The lifestyle of the individual

Options if Breast Augmentation is not successful

If the Breast Augmentation fails 

  1. Remove the breast implant and the surrounding scar tissue 
  2. Reconstruct the damaged tissue using the patient’s own tissue
  3. DIEP flap procedure

Alternatives to Breast Augmentation

  1. Fat grafting: The fat cells of the patient are used to increase the breast size and this process is called fat grafting. 
  2. Mastopexy: In this process, plastic surgery is performed to lift the breasts, and modify the shape, size, elevation, and contour of the breasts. 
  3. Pills and creams which help in the enlargement of the breasts. The pills and creams are not regulated by the pharmaceutical companies and there is no guarantee that the usage of these pills and creams will increase the breast size.
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