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SRG Eye Hospital

SRG Eye Hospital

12 - 36 years experience
₹1000Consultation Fees
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FAQs on Cataract Surgery

Cataract Surgery

Doctors for Cataract Surgery in Ahmedabad

A cataract does not always require surgery. However, it should also never be ignored. Consult the best cataract surgeon in your city or an eye doctor in your city. If you have to go through cataract surgery in your city, take your prescribed medications and diet seriously and do not ignore your health.

The procedure does not take very long, and complications are rare. Post-surgery side effects can sometimes include swelling or mild irritation. If the side effects persist despite taking adequate precautions, consult your doctor as soon as possible.

You should be careful about a few things, such as wearing eyeglasses to prevent anything from entering your eyes and avoiding any kind of physical exercise. Do not overuse the prescribed eye drops, and be careful while using soaps and shampoos when you bathe. Also, do not wear any kind of eye makeup until your doctor assures you that your eyes have completely healed.

Looking for the best hospital in Ahmedabad offering cataract surgery? Trust Practo to find you the best specialists or surgeons and hospitals/clinics in Ahmedabad to guide you through the entire treatment process! Cataract Surgery, also known as lens replacement surgery, is recommended for cataracts that may cause blurry vision and also increase the glare from light. Your doctor may recommend cataract surgery if you are experiencing symptoms such as clouded or blurred vision, restricted vision at night, sensitivity to light, the requirement for brighter light for general activities, and double vision. 

If you are on the lookout for the hospital offering cataract surgery, you have come to the right place! Here is the best hospital in Ahmedabad for cataract surgery! 

  • Naina Eye Hospital
  • Concept Neuro & Spine Care Hospital

for your consultation or a second opinion

What’s more? With a presence in over 100+ hospitals/clinics and access to 200+ surgeons in 25+ cities, Practo can help you get in touch with the brightest in the field in Ahmedabad for cataract surgery to ensure you receive the best treatment always. 

Get in touch with us today to book your appointment!

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