
2016-08-05 15:40:37
Only stammering in 2 years back started how stop and cure stammering and any medicines are not and which doctor is best cure or not

Answers (4)

No medicines available for it. You need to attend Speech Therapy. Better take an appointment with Speech Language Pathologist. They can help you out of the problem.

Answered2016-12-31 09:12:35

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Consult a Speech Language Pathologist/Speech Therapist.Speech therapy result may vary with the type of problem, severity of problem and age of the person. There are some examples of relapse also after speech therapy. A Significant change has been seen among about 80% population after speech therapy. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any drug for the treatment of stuttering. However, some drugs that are approved to treat other health problems—such as epilepsy, anxiety, or depression—have been used to treat stuttering. These drugs often have side effects that make them difficult to use over a long period of time. In a recent study funded by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), researchers concluded that drug therapy has been largely ineffective in controlling stuttering. Clinical trials of other possible drug treatments are currently under way. After taking speech therapy from a professional Speech Therapist/Speech Language Pathologist you will be able to manage the problem of stammering. There is no 100% cure for stammering, although few healthcare quacks are making such false claim.

Answered2016-08-24 12:20:19

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There is no medicine to cure stammering,the only available treatment is speech therapy.Its difficult but not impossible to cure stammering..the treatment duration can take from few days to few months or an year...Better to go for therapy without wasting time.All the best.

Answered2016-08-06 15:00:23

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Hello..... Stammering is typically recognised by a tense struggle to pronounce words ...Speech and language therapy has proved to be most effective .Its bit difficult for adults.. There is no one day or few weeks treatment to cure stammering. You must be conscious of your words. With the patience and persistence you can win over it . Consult speech therapist.

Answered2016-08-06 13:42:39

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