Reoccuring abscess below chin

2017-10-19 10:39:42
Reoccurring abscess below chin last time operated. because after 2 weeks. Pus culture raveled it was MRSA. medicine: a. sulfamethoxazole 400 mg-trimethoprim 80 mg tablet b. Fucicort Cream 1. I take care of hygiene very seriously even then why is it re-occurring this is the third time i got this abscess near same area is it. do i need to test something else? 2. the current abscess bleeding few drops yesterday (4 days after formation) but then stopped and still the size and pain is there.

Answers (1)

This is limited information and tells nothing about your skin condition which can help in planning a treatment.  A thorough history, clinical examination and appropriate laboratory tests will be needed to solve the mystery. Consider seeing a Dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Answered2017-10-19 17:21:40

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