Dronis 30 for irregular period

2023-01-18 09:39:14
After mtp abortion in April 2022, she is having alternate month period!. Its her 17th day of period. Doctor suggested to start deviry 10 for 5 day to get period in this month end { because this month she had period we cant wait till march for next period } After getting period will start dronis 30 for 21 days! Can we start dronis 30 tablet for now without waiting for period? Or should i start deviry 10 from day 23-25 of month?

Answers (5)

Connect please

Answered2023-01-18 13:01:57

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Connect please for valid prescription. Get the period first then start dronis. Suppose if period is missed check pregnancy test. If test is negative then only take medication for the period

Answered2023-01-18 11:10:42

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Please connect for online consultation and advice

Answered2023-01-18 10:42:56

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First take deviry to induce period Start dronis after you get period.

Answered2023-01-18 10:16:03

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First take deviry Start dronis from day 2 of menses

Answered2023-01-18 09:53:04

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