Dark cirkles

2016-10-14 20:40:22
He has dark circles, they are really very dark, not as average kind of dark circles, really very dark, what should he do, and the pimples on both the cheeks and the forehead (small and big) are also appearing, so what should he do. Please help

Answers (3)

Many causes for pigmentation and acne
Next Steps
vit b 12 levels serum cortisol

Answered2016-10-17 09:17:42

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For dark circles take minimum of 7 hrs of sleep. Avoid long hrs on computer or mobile. Read in proper light. Plenty of fluids. For pimples get c/s test done from pimple swab. Appropriate antibiotic to be selected after the report. Avoid spicy & fried food. Benzoyl peroxide based face wash to be used twice daily. Salicylic acid peel once in 2 weeks for minimum six sessions & local application of salicylic gel will be effective. Lots of fresh vegetables & fruits to be taken. L'oreal under eye cream is also effective for dark circles.

Answered2016-10-15 05:35:14

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Dear friend, try "magic under eye gel" for dark circles(available online). Take helathy diet with fruits and green vegetables. Have adequate sleep.Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated. For pimples wash the face with just water every now and then. Avoid oily and junk foods.If its very severe use clindamycin ointment twice daily.Hope this helps. Regards

Answered2016-10-15 07:53:14

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