Can HSG detect intrauterine adhesions

2023-04-16 12:02:20
Hi. I have a history of spine tb and got treatment for it. After a year I was pregnant and it was ectopic pregnancy then 3 months later I  got hsg done. And doctor said report is normal and tube is patent. But i had ectopic pregnancy again and got the other tube removed. Now I need to get ivf done. My question is since the hsg reports can HSG detect intrauterine adhesions? Doctor suggested me to get hystescopy laproscopy again before Ivf though. Just want to know can HSG detect intrauterine adhesions? The tube which was sent to test also says no tubarcular granules seen.

Answers (4)

HSG can detect intrauterine adhesions. But since you are in the 21st Century and you would like to have the benefit of the latest treatment you should get a hysteroscopy done before IVF. Hysteroscopy will diagnose adhesions and they  can be treated at the same time.

Answered2023-04-16 13:39:13

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Answered2023-04-16 12:49:11

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Mam please go for DHL as these are gold standard for identifying any intrauterine lesions.
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Answered2023-04-16 15:56:46

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Answered2023-04-16 13:26:10

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