Health Q&A
White spot on teeth and gums

Whats the white bruising thing on the bottom of my teeth. It hurts white brushing.. Any concerns?uploaded pictures

Bleeding in gums while teething

Hi My 7 month old son is going through teething phase . We see his front ( top) gum is swollen may be due to teeth eruption, he chewed pacifier and hurt there now it's bleeding not much but few drops Is this normal?

Rootcanal cap fixing cement

I got my root canal treatment done for molar tooth and after fixing cap the excess cement is spread to nearby tooth. Can you suggest how to remove the cement from good tooth

Small bump on side of tongue

Hi doctor I could feel a small bump on side of my tongue I have attached the images kindly share anything serious

Lower tooth blood coming

Hello, please see attached picture. from last three days blood coming from guns and felling pain. please guide... Thanks .

Health Feed
Full Mouth Rehabilitation

Patient came to us with multiple missing teeth. we planed implants for her. post that a proper prosthetic planed treatment followed by multiple crowns .this helped in restoring dental balance too.Look at the difference when she left the clinic… full moth ...

Treatment to Deep Cavities in Milk Teeth # Pulpectomy.

Pulpectomy --  A pulpectomy is a complete removal of pulp from the crown and roots. The tooth is then filled with a filling material that can be resorbed by the body. It's usually performed on baby teeth or milk teeth.Root canal treatment in baby teeth is called as a ...

The Hidden Dangers of Roadside Dentistry: What You Need to Know

In many parts of the world, including some areas in India, roadside dentistry remains a common sight. These makeshift clinics, often set up on sidewalks or in crowded markets, offer quick and cheap dental treatments. While it might seem convenient and cost-effective, there are significant ...

Mouth Ulcers: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Mouth ulcers, also known as canker sores, are small, painful sores that can develop inside the mouth. They can affect your ability to eat, drink, and speak comfortably. Let's explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments for these common but annoying sores.What Are Mouth ...

5 Reasons Why You Should Worry About Cracked Teeth in Mouth.

Cracked teeth can pose significant oral health issues that require attention to prevent long-term damage and complications. Here are five compelling reasons why you should be concerned about cracked teeth:Pain and Discomfort: One of the most immediate and noticeable effects of ...

Dr. Sumanth Shetty - Dentist
Dr. Sumanth Shetty Dentist (BDS, MDS - Paedodontics And Preventive Dentistry) 25 years experience Chisel Dental
4308 recommendations Koramangala, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Venkatesh M J - Dentist
Dr. Venkatesh M J Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics) 29 years experience All Care Dental Centre - since 1969
35 recommendations Indiranagar, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Jnanesha H.C - Dentist
Dr. Jnanesha H.C Dentist (BDS, MDS - Orthodontics, Invisalign Training Course, PG Diploma in Laser Dentistry) 22 years experience Excel Dental Care
458 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Aarti Talikoti - Dentist
Dr. Aarti Talikoti Dentist (BDS, MDS - Prosthodontics) 21 years experience Infinit Dental Solutions
200 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 300
Dr. Vivekananda Reddy - Dentist
Dr. Vivekananda Reddy Dentist (MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge, BDS) 23 years experience Smile Craft Dental and Implant Centre
399 recommendations Hoodi, Bangalore INR 500