Laser Treatment For Acne Scars

Health Q&A
Having hair fall

I have been having hair fall since last 6 years Initially I used to shelve off my head just to avoid loosing my hair . I continued shaving my head for 5 years and so I retained my hair and did not see any considerable loss , but since last one year I have stopped shaving my head and I see lot golf hair falling , I have been taking treatment from dr Batra for it for the last one year Initially they told that the conditions will improve in a year or so But it has been one year now I am still loosing my hair Now I even see my hair density decreasing please suggest what should I do

Thinning hairs

How to thicken the hair and increase the hair growth especially side hairs and is okay to use rosemary oil diluting 2 drops of it with parachute coconut oil twice a week?

Ega cream causing dark circles

I am using Ega cream. I have noticed dark circles have increased.. is it possible with this cream? Pls suggest alternative Cream

About Gluothine

Recently Gluothione IV and supplements are in trend for skin whitening. I have did a basic review on gluothine property . Popular brands has supplements that claims 2-3 months of consistent use will improve skin texture and skin tone . At the same time after discontinued it has reversal effect on skin health . Is it safe to use gluathoine supplements provided by top brands ? Does it really has reversal effect on skin health? Does it make u go darker when you stop it ? Can anyone use it ? What are the factors to be considered when we are taking the supplements ? Does it requires proper dermatology consultation or we can take it up? Who should not take this supplements ? Will be helpful if we get to know about this in doctor point of view. Thanks in advance

Hair fibers

Iam using vaniki hair fibers daily, is it okay to use daily hair fibers on my hair , I have bald areas , is it will cause any side effects of using hair fiber for long run . Please advise am worries lot

Health Feed
Best Pigmentation Treatment in Delhi

HyperpigmentationHuman skin color is determined by the concentration of a pigment present in the skin known as melanin. Sometimes, skin starts producing more melanin, which causes spots or patches that are darker than the surrounding skin. This condition is known as hyperpigmentation and ...

Say Goodbye to Stubborn Acne Problems With Specialised Treatments at Skinisma

Dr Sweety Darall Tomar is the best dermatologist for acne problems in Delhi. Find your confidence in better skin with a solution to your acne issues at Skinisma. Our main mission is to deliver confidence through tailored treatment processes.We are well aware that acne can have a negative ...

Is Retinol Only Acts as an Anti Aging ?

Retinol is a derivative of Vitamin A. Retinol treats following skin conditions  :Flaky  skin Acne Age spot Acne scarWrinkles Skin rashNatural products containing Retinol and ...

Male Pattern Baldness(androgenic Alopecia)

Male pattern baldness (androgenic alopecia) is a type of hair loss that affects people assigned male at birth (AMAB). It causes you to lose hair on the skin covering your head (scalp), and your hair doesn’t grow back. Other signs of male-pattern baldness include thinning hair and a hairline ...

Reversing the Signs of Ageing

What is Ageing ?Ageing is the progressive physiological change that occurs in an individual which leads to senescence or a decline of the biological functions and the individual's ability to adapt to metabolic stress Ageing begins the day we are born and proceeds at different ...

Dr. Shruthi C - Dermatologist
Dr. Shruthi C Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Skin & Recon Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Clinic
32 recommendations Jayanagar 4 Block, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Nithya Raghunath - Dermatologist
Dr. Nithya Raghunath Dermatologist (MBBS, MD - Dermatology , Venereology & Leprosy) 15 years experience Contura Clinic
4021 recommendations Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore INR 800
Dr. Deepak Devakar - Dermatologist
Dr. Deepak Devakar Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL) 20 years experience Dermasculpt Hair Transplant and Skin Clinic
2514 recommendations JP Nagar, Bangalore INR 600
Dr. Deepa - Dermatologist
Dr. Deepa Dermatologist (MBBS, DDVL, DNB - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) 16 years experience Kritash Skin and Asthetic Clinic
352 recommendations Sarjapur Road, Bangalore INR 700
Dr. Neelima Sharma - Dermatologist
Dr. Neelima Sharma Dermatologist (MBBS, DNB - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy) 25 years experience Manipal Hospital
77 recommendations Jayanagar 9 Block, Bangalore INR 700