Blocked Arteries: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

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Blocked Arteries: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What are Blocked Arteries?

Blocked arteries or coronary artery disease occurs when the major blood vessels responsible for supplying the heart with the blood, essential nutrients, and oxygen become blocked, damaged, or diseased. The deposits containing cholesterol and other fatty substances (plaque) in the arteries might block or cause inflammation in the arteries leading to blocked arteries or related coronary artery diseases. 

When plaque develops in the arteries, it tends to narrow down the coronary arteries. Due to the narrowing down of the coronary arteries, the blood flow to the heart also decreases. Eventually, due to the decrease in the blood flow to the heart, it could eventually lead to angina (chest pain or discomfort), shortness of breath, or other coronary artery-related diseases or complications and symptoms. A complete blockage or transposition of the great arteries symptoms could eventually lead to heart attack. 

As the coronary artery diseases and symptoms develop over a period, you might not encounter the main problem until you witness some major blockage or heart attack. However, you can do plenty in advance to prevent the formation of blocked arteries or coronary artery-related diseases. 

How does Blocked Arteries Occur?

The blocked arteries or coronary artery disease is believed to start with some injury or damage to the inner layers of the coronary artery. Thus, it might occur as early as during the childhood period. The damage or blockage of the coronary arteries might occur due to several reasons including:

Once the inner walls of the coronary arteries get damaged or blocked, fatty deposits made out of cholesterol and other unhealthy fatty materials accumulate at the given site of injury under the process referred to as “atherosclerosis.” If the given surface of the plaque ruptures or breaks down, the blood platelets will clump together for repairing the artery. The clump could block the artery leading to heart attack. 

Who is Prone to Blocked Arteries?

Anyone who is living a sedentary lifestyle could be easily prone to developing blocked arteries. The symptoms of blocked arteries could develop as early as the childhood period. Other factors contributing to the development of blocked arteries might include obesity, higher cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and chronic symptoms like diabetes. 

What are the Symptoms of Blocked Arteries? How are Blocked Arteries Diagnosed?

If the coronary arteries are getting narrower or blocked, then these are not able to supply enough oxygen and blood to the heart. Some of the common symptoms of blocked arteries that you can look up to include:

Women are most likely to experience less typical blocked arteries signs & symptoms than men. 


When you visit the doctor with signs & symptoms of blocked arteries, the doctor might perform respective tests for checking into the early symptoms of blockage or heart attack. Some of the common methods of diagnosing blocked arteries might include:

What are the Complications of Blocked Arteries?

Some of the common complications include:

What is the Treatment for Blocked Arteries?

Depending on the symptoms of blocked arteries and diagnosis, the doctor might refer the specific treatment plan. In case of blocked arteries, carotid endarterectomy is one of the most common forms of surgery for treating severely blocked arteries. Another option is the carotid artery stent if the artery blockage tends to be located inconveniently. 

Home Remedies for Blocked Arteries

Upon the diagnosis of the blocked arteries, the doctor might suggest some home remedies along with lifestyle changes including:

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