Colon Cancer: Symptoms, Complications, and Treatment

Meaning of Colon Cancer

Cancerous cell growth in the colon or the rectal system of the body is called colon cancer or rectal cancer, and sometimes they are clubbed together as colorectal cancer because both have almost similar causes, symptoms, and treatment. It starts with the formation of a certain type of polyps in the inner linings of the colon, but not all of them are responsible for malignancy.

There are two types of polyps:

a) Adenomatous polyps – the potential cancerous one

b) Hyperplastic polyps – the generally non-cancerous one

The adenomatous polyps, in most cases, lead to Adenocarcinomas, which are responsible for 95% of the overall colon cancers diagnosed. It is by far the most common, but there are other less common types as well:

  • Carcinoid tumors from the hormone cells of the intestine
  • Gastrointestinal stromal tumors from the inner lining of any organ in the digestive tract
  • Lymphomas from the immune system cells
  • Sarcomas from the blood vessels and muscle tissues in colon or rectum

Symptoms of Colon Cancer

Since the adenomatous cells develop inside the organ, it is hard to detect colon cancer early on. The only way is to keep an eye out for the colon cancer symptoms and see a doctor as soon as they tend to persist.

- The drastic change in bowel habits

- Continuous recurrence of diarrhea or constipation or indigestion

- Change in the consistency or texture of stool

- Pain or discomfort while excretion

- Constant abdominal pain and cramps

- Change in appetite and unexplained weight loss

Diagnosis of Colon Cancer

Regular screenings can detect cancerous polyps before they spread out at large. Once detected, there are several ways to examine and understand the nature of cancer.

a) Stool test: The stool test is the primary examination to check the presence of cancerous DNA in the colon. Precancerous polyps shed their DNAs with the stool which can be detected in the lab test.

b) Sigmoidoscopy: The lab person or doctor inserts a flexible tube called sigmoidoscope through the anus to examine the colon, rectum and large intestine. 

c) Barium enema X-ray: It is a test to examine the patient’s bowel in an enema form after injection of barium which allows the imaging.

d) Colonoscopy: After cleaning out the colon, a tube similar to sigmoidoscopy is inserted, but this is longer and is attached to a video camera and a monitor to see the entire colon.

Causes of Colon Cancer

The exact reason why the colon cancer occurs is not clear, but there are several situations or habits that can trigger the formation of cancerous cells in the colon.

- Older age has often defaulted factor behind colon cancer

- High levels of alcohol consumption

- An unbalanced diet with too little fiber and too much-saturated fat in it

- Having a family history of colon, rectal or colorectal cancer

- Uncontrolled diabetes and obesity 

- An inactive and sedentary lifestyle with a little amount of physical movement

- Presence of other diseases like an ulcer, Crohn’s disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

Other than these, a previous history of cancer is any other organ in the body like uterus, ovary, liver or stomach can be a very legitimate cause behind colon cancer. 

Prevention of Colon Cancer

Colon cancer can be mostly prevented or kept from recurring through lifestyle choices.

a) Exercise: Regular exercise will keep a lot of causes behind colon cancer away, like overweight, gastric diseases, and inactivity.

b) Lose weight: Sometimes, the higher levels of obesity cannot be controlled with simple exercise. Weight loss regimes or programs are to be followed to shed the excess weight – one of the leading causes of colon cancer. 

c) Following a healthy diet: A diet without saturated fats, processed food, oily and junk fried food and with nutritious fats like avocado and fish oil, fruits, vegetables, and fibers is a great way to prevent it. 

d) Regular checkup: Since family history and previous cancer occurrences are a cause for colon cancer, regular screening with your doctor is a good preventive measure to detect cancer at an early stage.


Colon cancer treatment, like other forms of cancer, is based on chemotherapy and radiation in its advanced stages. But there are other ways of removal in the less-critical stages.

a) Colonoscopy and endoscopy: These methods are applicable for a small affected area and contained within a polyp. If the polyp is small, it can be easily removed during colonoscopy, and if it is a bit bigger, endoscopic mucosal resection is done.

b) Colectomy: It is a surgery operated on the colon where the cancerous part, along with a marginal amount of tissue from the adjacent areas is eliminated. Sometimes, the cut-out part is such that the remaining healthy portions cannot be reconnected immediately. In such cases, a colostomy bag is needed for the excretion purpose. It could be a temporary solution until the organs heal, or a permanent one. 

c) Chemotherapy: If cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, it is usually chemotherapy on which the treatment depends.

d) Radiation therapy: Powerful X-ray beams are directed to kill the colon cells completely or to shrink them partially before surgery.

e) Targeted drug therapy: The drugs are never quite a cure for cancer, but helps alleviate the impact of chemo or radiation. 

f) Immunotherapy: Some people with colon cancer get positive results from immunotherapy – treatment with antibodies medicines.


- Dry Mouth 

- Loss of appetite

- Nausea and vomiting

- Diarrhea and gastric infections from low immunity

- Fatigue

- Hair loss

Home remedies

Ingesting a handful of nutritious food and maintaining a balanced diet is the only home remedy for colon cancer. The important items that help are garlic, ginger, flaxseed oil, green tea, spinach, and berries. 

Did you know(trivia)

- Women have a higher chance of having colon cancer

- It is the third most diagnosed type of cancer 

- March is the National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month in USA

Would you like to consult a doctor for Colon Cancer ?

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