Stretch marks

2021-08-18 16:54:23
Having stretch marks all over the body due to weight gain..any effective treatment? Can they go away by stretch rids

Answers (2)

Undergo fraxel laser resurfacing therapy.. otherwise few creams also available...for detailed prescription do direct online consultation by sending photos.

Answered2021-08-19 02:17:08

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Stretch marks are resistant to treatment usually.. Need multiple treatments.. ointments really can't clear them .. You will need proceedures like lasers, prp, Dermaroller, TCA peel.. N response to the treatments depend on how old the stretch marks are...
Next Steps
consult Dermatologist with photographs
Health Tips
Apply Moisturizer and massage with any oil of ur choice atleast 5mins twice daily

Answered2021-08-18 17:12:33

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