Periods not occurs

2017-08-24 07:08:24
On 14 th i had sex and i had used condom but it was broken so i had taken unwanted 72 pill on 15 in the morning. Till now i did nt have periods?i m pregnant? Dr these is my 3 rd time i had taken unwanted 72 pill last time on 28th December and on 8th june. Dr i had taken 3 times the pill in 8 months does it will harm my reproductive system.

Answers (1)

Yes , sometimes these unwanted 72 can cause hormonal imbalance , but as you have taken on 15th day of your m.cycle , so wait for another week , probably u may have your Periods
Health Tips
Don't misuse Unwanted 72 without Dr'a prescription.

Answered2017-08-25 21:20:33

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