Liver is body's detoxification center and repair workshop as well as the security check point. Most of the toxins, hormones, drugs, cholesterol, proteins, blood clotting agents, carbohydrates, fats are all metabolized in liver. It is the seat of metabolism. That is why a healthy liver is very important for proper functioning of the body and liver cleanse is very important aspect of keeping the body fit. Liver diseases.
Hepatitis,Fatty liverElevated liver enzymes, SGOT, SGPTjaundice
Alcoholic Liver Disease,Liver Cirrhosis.
Ayurveda uses herbs to cleanse the liver and the body. Using Ayurvedic herbs for liver detoxification is a wonderful way to revive the damaged liver cells and giving new strength to the body.
Try taking small amounts of protein while following a liver detox diet alongside consuming fruits and veggies. Also, remember to wash the fruits and veggies properly so that pesticides or fertilizers may not enter the body, if not, the liver detoxification process is obstructed.Fore more information cal seven seven nine three zero two zero four eight zero.