Fever 100.2

2021-04-24 16:15:56
My daughter is 3 months old and having 100.2 Is this normal.. she s breast feeding. Shall I take her to doctr

Answers (3)

It might be dehydration fever. Give her frequently breastfeeding. Do sponging with water. Give paracetamol drops 15/kg per dose wait for 2 days if increasing temperature consult. Do a covid antigen test .

Answered2021-04-27 13:29:53

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Yes 3 month baby fever always should be evaluated fully
Next Steps
Consult pediatrician

Answered2021-04-25 04:16:21

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Give her paracetamol 15 mg per kg, high fever may cause febrile seizures, consult near by Pediatreation

Answered2021-04-24 17:49:42

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