Anxiety and high bp

2015-10-10 08:31:47
Ive faced excessive sweating since childhood- localised to my forehead, nose and palms. What makes things worse is that I tend to get anxious about small things and my sweating makes it more apparent.And sweating while anxious makes me even more anxious My bp is on the higher side. Could this be a  reason?

Answers (1)

Hi it's normal that people sweat more during anxious or stressful condition.... if the same continue to be there even in normal circumstances then it might be secondary to disorder of the thyroid or pituitary glands, diabetes mellitus , tumours ,gout  , certain drugs, or mercury poisoning .Treatment is mainly topical antiperspirants (aluminium chloride ) as the first line of therapy 

Answered2015-10-12 08:59:25

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