Anal fissure

2020-12-04 19:14:36
I got anal fissure almost 6 months back and it gets healed on applying anobliss and then it recur if someday i pass hard stool . Is there any natural cream that i can apply to keep that area soft . Can i apply vaseline or boroline or something that won't cause infection for long term use

Answers (1)

See that your stools is soft always. Drink plenty of water. Eat high fibre foods like Papaya. Take plenty of leaffy vegetables and fresh fruits. Take tablet Dulcoflex 1-2 at bedtime to soften stools. Apply Shield ointment before and after passing stools when you are having pain. If the problem is recurring too often , Consult a surgeon.

Answered2020-12-05 05:00:06

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