
A Saloon provides services including Hair Styling, Skin Polishing, Paraffin Wax Bath, Breast Enhancement Care and Hair Care.

A Saloon provides services including Hair Styling, Skin Polishing, Paraffin Wax Bath, Breast Enhancement Care and Hair Care.

Health Q&A
About Himalayan Neem face pack

Himalayan neem face pack should be used on wet face or dry face? And should we apply it with water or without water? Please answer them separately and as early as possible

About face

I want to know best face sunscreen lotion. My skin is oily. So keep in mind. And answer me everyone. Helpful...

Skin complexion

I have been having a kind of an irritation under ma armpits.. which leads to itching and it has turned black.. what am I suppose to do to bring back a fairer skin tone

Hair fall

My hairs are falling and want to get rid from it . I have to increase the volume of hairs too. Any Home remedies that I can go for.

Red Wine for health

My friends say red wine is very good for health if consumed regularly in moderate quantities. They say it's very good for skin and also for heart, hair & others. Is it true? If so which brand and how to choose the best one? In what quantities and how frequently should it be used? Any restrictions for age, male/female, diseases etc..? Thank you.